“Then yes, Bentley. I shall marry you, even though you aren’t a fox. I’ve long given up on white magic anyway. I’d much rather have you.”

“On the contrary,” he said, pulling her tightly against him. Her heart rammed against her breastbone. “My given name is Silas Fawkes.”

Hattie gasped but was quieted suddenly by Bentley’s mouth covering hers. Her body erupted in a warmth that she would wager was hotter than the sun, sending tingles over every inch of her. Running her hands over his pristine coat, she found his cravat and began working at the knot.

He broke the kiss, looking down at her, chest heaving. “What are you doing?”

“I like you without the cravat.”

He chuckled, exasperated. “We’re in your father’s home. You can’t very well remove it now.”

“I think it’s only fair,” she argued. “Consider this your recompense. You never told me you were a fox.”

“F-A-W-K-E-S,” he said, spelling his name. “And you will be one, too.”

Hattie grinned, abandoning the cravat knot and reaching up around his neck, pulling his face toward hers. She kissed him, and Bentley deepened the kiss, his strong grip holding her flush against him. She had never before felt so contented as she did in that moment.

Breaking away, Hattie gasped for air. “You do realize that now you shall have to go out in public,” she said cautiously. “I do like to see my friends.”

“I will happily escort you wherever you would like to go.” Bentley brushed her hair away from her face and dropped a kiss on her nose. “I’ve been considering taking my seat in Lords, anyway.”

Hattie grinned. “Yes, you should. You have so much wisdom to bring to the people. You can do so much good.”

He chuckled softly. “And you will stand by me?”

“Of course. Regardless of what happens, I will never leave your side.” She frowned, considering her Papa asking Lucy to help her find a husband.

“What is it?” Bentley asked.

“Do you think Lucy will take credit for our union? Evidently, my father invited her here to help me learn how to obtain a husband.”

“Ah, yes. He told me of that.”


“We shared a carriage home. We traveled quickly, changed horses often, and barely made it home in time for this dinner. I wanted to surprise you, and the trip gave us plenty of time to get to know one another. In fact, he’s given our union his blessing already.”

Hattie scoffed. “Well of course he has. I knew he’d love you.”

“You did?” he asked, his forehead creasing.

“Of course. What’s not to love?” She reached up to kiss him again.