“Gads, man,” Andrew said, clasping Charles by the shoulder and giving him an affectionate squeeze. “You might have mentioned it earlier.”

“Yes, well, you know now,” he said sheepishly.

Andrew, seeming to settle into the idea, grinned. “I am so happy for you. For both of you.”

“As am I,” Mrs. Halpert said from the bed. “What a lovely way to end the loveliest day.”

She must be a saint, for Charles believed she meant it. On a day where she was undoubtedly battling peace from the arrival of her babe with grief over the lack of George Halpert’s presence, she was truly glad for them.

“Thank you,” Amelia said. “We are pleased.”

“All of Graton will be pleased by this news,” Andrew said.

“Yes,” Amelia muttered. “Perhaps everyone except Hattie.”