The weight of his words struck her. She saw such likeness between herself and Mr. Fawn that it frightened her. When she was older, would she long for the comfort and fulfillment that came from having a family? Or would she regret accepting this man’s offer?

Mr. Fawn stood beside her, quietly watching her think. He was gentle and kind, but knew where she stood, and had made it quite clear that this was business. They each had needs of which the other could meet. Companionship, children, security.

She had married for love twice and ended up alone. Surely, given her position, it was better to protect herself, to keep her guard up, and to enter into an arrangement where she knew what to expect.

But, there was the unmistakable fact that she had married twice and had yet to produce a child. It was not a guarantee. This was an enormous commitment to make on a hope. “Will the transaction be worth it if children never come about? You do realize that I’ve been married before.”

“Yes, I do.” He looked at her a moment longer, narrowing his gaze as his eyes roamed over her face. “I like you, Mrs. Williams. You do not waste your time or mine, you are honest, and I think we get along well enough.”

Well enough for marriage? The very idea induced her head to spin.

“I do not need an answer right away,” he said, rocking back on his heels. “Indeed, I’ve yet to ask the question. But I think we understand one another, and I beg you will give the idea your consideration.”

“I will. There is quite a lot to think about.”

Andrew approached them and indicated the group playing lawn bowls to their left. “Can I interest you in a game, Amelia?”

She shook her head. Her mind was too heavy now for any such thing.

Beside her, Mr. Fawn grinned. “I would be interested if you think you can take on an old man.”

“I would be happy to defeat you at lawn bowls, Mr. Fawn,” Andrew said simply.

“Careful,” Amelia warned. “My brother is quite competitive, and he does not care to lose.”

A twinkle lit Mr. Fawn’s brown eyes as he went to follow Andrew. “Neither do I.”