Amelia had always prided herself on easily hiding her emotions behind a placid face, but in that moment, she was fairly certain her brother could discern her shock. “To Falbrooke?”

Andrew nodded. “I believe her illness to be worse than typical, and as she has no one to care for her, it would be safer to bring her under our care.”

“Our care? You are asking me to nurse her?”

“No, of course not. And I do not wish to add work for your servants. I can look into hiring a girl from Graton for the time being, but it will be easier for me to keep an eye on Mrs. Halpert if she is near.”

There was something else, something he was not telling her. While somewhat unconventional, it wasn’t unreasonable in such circumstances to bring an unwell, single woman to their home so Andrew could keep a better watch on his patient. No, there had to be more.

Amelia leveled her tone. “You know I would never deny you anything, Andrew, so please explain what has made you so anxious. Of course you may bring your patient here, and I will do whatever I can to help you care for her. It would not be the first time you have asked me to nurse for you, and I have never been unwilling.”

Resting his elbows on his desk, he clasped his hands together before him. “It is the connection that concerns me. Charles has asked me to look after Mrs. Halpert as a special favor. I was afraid that would bother you, that his coming to the house to see her would disturb your peace here.”

Amelia straightened in her chair. “Oh, I see.”

He rubbed a hand over his jaw. “But I called on Mrs. Halpert, and I do believe she needs my help.”

“Then who am I to stand in your way?”

Andrew tilted his head to the side, spearing her with his gaze. “It is your house, Amelia. These are your servants. Of course I would seek your approval first, regardless of who requested this service.”

Amelia stood, eager to remove her dirty gown and don a fresh one, to wipe the mud drops from her nape. She was keenly aware of the caked dirt around her ankles and splattered over her back as if it was burning through her clothing and itching her skin. “I have told you time and again that this is your home as well, and you may do what you please. Charles may come and go as he wishes in order to visit Mrs. Halpert. I may not love him, but I most certainly do not hate the man, either.”

And besides, Mrs. Halpert would not remain at Falbrooke indefinitely. It was only for a short period of time.

Andrew failed to look convinced. “We may develop a system to notify you when Charles comes to call, so you might make yourself absent.”

The image of Charles riding away from her that morning, his gaze fixed forward as he refrained from casting a longing look back at her, was seared into her mind. Something had shifted between them. She shook her head. “It is not worth the trouble. At one time Charles and I were friends. Surely we can overcome our somewhat awkward history and become so again.”