“Do not hurt yourself—”

“The scream,” he said, his gaze searching the shadows beside the church.

Amelia’s heart dropped to her stomach. She’d forgotten Hattie’s scream when Charles’s body had been flung before her. Rising to her feet, she lifted the hem of her gown and bolted toward the back of the church, nearly running directly into Hattie.

“Oof!” Hattie leaned back against the church, chest heaving.

Amelia gripped her shoulders. “Are you well? What happened?”

Nodding, Hattie’s eyes were wide. “It worked. I saw a face.”

Amelia could shake her friend for causing her such a scare. Her pulse thudded in her ears as she surveyed Hattie and determined that she seemed well. “Whose face?”

“Well, it wasn’t human—”

Charles rushed around the corner of the church, and Amelia swiveled, grabbing his sleeve and putting up her other hand to stall him. “She is well, Charles. She isn’t hurt.”

Or should she amend that Hattie was not in danger? Seeing a non-human face perhaps did not count her as entirely well.

“Mr. Fremont?” Hattie said, her eyes growing wider. “We—I, that is—well, this is not as it appears.”

“I’m not sure I know how it appears,” he said, stumbling forward a step before righting himself. His gaze shifted between the women as he tugged down his waistcoat. “So perhaps you may tell me what is going on here. Are you in danger?”

“No, no danger,” Hattie said, shaking her head.

That was a relief. “Then why did you scream?” Amelia asked.

Hesitation flickered over Hattie’s face, her round eyes jumping between Amelia and Charles. “Perhaps later,” she said through her teeth.

Amelia slipped her gloved hand around Hattie’s shoulder. “If you are safe, then let’s find Giulia. She is undoubtedly worried.”

They fled the shadows behind the church for the moonlit churchyard, Charles trailing closely behind them. Amelia leaned in, lowering her voice. “Why did you scream?”

“I saw a fox,” Hattie whispered, her eyes bright with excitement. “I’m not certain what it means, but surely it carries some significance.”

“A fox?”

“Indeed. Isn’t it delightful?”

A light scoff lifted from Amelia’s throat. In what way was looking for her husband and seeing an animal delightful? Only Hattie would find something humorous or good in this situation.

“If it was so wonderful, then why the scream?”

Hattie squeezed her arm, drawing closer. “I did not actually expect to turn and find eyes staring back at me, Amelia. I may be more of a believer than you are, but I am not wholly mad.”

At present, that claim felt somewhat debatable.

Giulia reined in, her horse coming alongside the other women’s horses. “What is it? What’s happened? I heard a scream.”

“I was merely frightened, nothing more.”

“Did it work?” Giulia asked, eyes bright.

Amelia scoffed. Was she the only reasonable woman in Devon?

Hattie nodded. “Yes. Well, sort of. I shall tell you more later.”

Giulia seemed to notice Charles, and she lifted a gloved hand from her horse’s neck. “Good evening, Mr. Fremont.” Directing her wide-eyed gaze back to Hattie, she indicated the man with a nod.