Offering her a hand, gloveless and revealing all manner of calluses and scars—a hand which clearly knew work—Mac stepped closer. “Perhaps today you will win of your own merit.”

She was tempted to accept his help, to get down and play with Mac and Pippa. But it was far too difficult on an average day to mount a horse, and with her leg so sore from recent overexertion, today would be even more so. No, it made more sense to remain on Star. It had been difficult enough to mount the horse with a groom to assist her, she ought not attempt it without any help—especially with such a handsome audience.

“Forgive me, but I will remain on my horse.”

He did not drop his hand, nor his gaze. “Have I done something to offend you?”

“Of course not.”

“Then…” He glanced at Pippa, his eyebrows drawing together. “Would you prefer to continue the ride? I can return with Pippa another time.”

“I am perfectly content to remain where I am, Mac. You mustn’t fret so,” she said, infusing her words with a measure of levity. “You remind me very much of a hovering nursemaid.”

He cracked a smile but looked no closer to letting the matter drop. Really, all of this attention was growing tiresome and vastly uncomfortable.

“You vexing creature,” she said, sighing. “If you must know, I would prefer not to dismount, for it would be a chore to obtain the saddle again.”

He stared at her, uncomprehending.

“Mae has a weak leg,” Pippa said from near the pond. “Sometimes it hurts her too much to climb into a saddle.”

Mabel could have screamed, she was so angry. Her cheeks flooded hot and she pierced Pippa with a glare.

“A weak leg? I haven’t heard of this.” Mac moved as though to reach for her, but then stopped himself. “Does it pain you excessively?”

“Only sometimes. Unfortunately, today is one of those days.”

He nodded. “I will not press you. Come, Pippa. We can return—”

“I am well enough, Mac. I can sit here all day with little trouble. It is the effort of climbing that bothers me. Please,”—she lowered her voice, beseeching him—“don’t cease the lessons now.”

“If you insist. But can I not help you?”

“Help me?”

“Yes, Mabel. For the sake of Pippa and my pride, I should dearly love a rock-skipping rematch.” He laid a large hand over his heart. “I swear I shall not allow you to win.”

But, her leg. If she got down, even with Mac’s help, she would have to get up again before they set off. Either that, or lead Star around the pond once more, but the mere idea of so long a walk at present caused her leg to throb. But Mac’s smile was wide and persuasive, his eyes sparkling. To say nothing of the prospect of trying to beat him at a game.

“Oh, very well. You’ve grown to be quite persuasive, you know.”

He offered her a boyish smile, one she knew quite well. “You say that as though it is a bad thing.”

“That depends upon your motives, I should think.”

His large hands slid around her waist and she tightened her hold on the reins on impulse. Mac’s hazel eyes bore into her. “Ready?”

She nodded, unable to trust her voice, and he lifted her from the saddle.

Mabel rested her hands on Mac’s shoulders, gripping the reins as he lowered her to the ground as though she weighed no more than a bag of sheared wool. He took Star’s reins and led her away, tying her to a tree near his horse, and giving Mabel a moment to catch her breath. She’d enjoyed being in Mac’s hands far too much, enjoyed the way he made her feel smaller and daintier than any other man did.

“Who will begin?” Pippa asked, unaware of the tension in the air. Or perhaps Mabel was the only one who felt it. “Oh, Mae, let me find you a stone. I’m rather good at searching, you know.”

“Ladies first, of course,” Mac said, catching Mabel’s eye as Pippa dug around for another stone. He did not seem inclined to look elsewhere, and his steady gaze was unnerving, though not altogether unpleasant. Shivers of anticipation slithered up her spine and Mabel brazenly held his eyes captive in her own. It was undeniable. This man clearly felt the same tension she did, felt the line of rope that seemed to connect them growing taut when he looked at her.

“How is this one?” Pippa asked, breaking the spell. She raised a greenish stone and Mabel accepted the offering. It was not as flat as she would have liked, but it would do.

“Thank you, Pip. Would you like to begin, or shall I?”