Page 72 of What A Girl Wants

Following her, he admired the curvy shadow of her figure in the darkness and imagined what they might do once Jane had gotten one of her appetites sated. He had some ideas—him, her, the kitchen table, a few well-placed squirts of whipped cream…

“Babe, you could have done some of this nude snacking while I lived here, you know. I wouldn’t have complained.”

“I’ll bet.”

She opened the refrigerator and pulled out a cheesecake. “Want a piece?”

“Mm-hmm, but not of the cheesecake.”

When she turned to the counter and the light from the refrigerator illuminated her profile—the sweet curve of her ass, the lush slope of her breasts, the erect nipples that were an invitation to his mouth—he had to grip the table and will himself not to take her on the counter right then and there. He watched as she put a piece of the cake on a plate and then switched on the light over the stove, which cast a soft, warm glow on the kitchen, just enough so that Luke could see the luscious details of her body, the dessert she was making him wait for.

She brought her plate to the table and sat down, but Luke was too mesmerized by the sway of her breasts to be tempted by cheesecake. She cut a bite with her fork and offered it to him.

“No, thanks. I’m saving my appetite.”

“There aren’t many things I love more than cheesecake,” she said, then took a bite, letting the fork slip between her lips on the way out in a motion so slow and seductive it made him think of her mouth on his cock.

That was what she’d intended, of course, and he was playing right into her hands.

“I bet I can name the things you love more than cheesecake.”

She raised an eyebrow at him as she took another bite. “Go ahead and try.”

Luke hesitated for only a moment, wondering what she’d make of the fact that he knew her so well, that he’d paid such close attention to her in the two weeks they’d lived together. “Dark chocolate, the imported stuff. Perfect, ripe peaches. Coffee, which you like to drink with whole milk. Chicago-style pizza with pepperoni. Key Lime pie.”

“You’ve done your homework.”

“And those are just in the food category. I could keep going.”

“Please do.” She smiled, clearly enjoying the game.

“Okay… You love the scent of freshly cut grass. The feel of humidity on a warm night. Bathwater just short of scalding hot.”

She ate the cheesecake slowly as she listened to him. What Luke understood about her that he suspected she didn’t understand about herself was that Jane was a profoundly sensual woman.

All her written advice about restraint and the negative impact of sex were evidence of her denial. She didn’t understand how essential sensual experiences were to her happiness. And in the past two months, Luke had unlocked that side of her in bed, unleashed the wild lover inside of her that had needed for years to escape.

No, she may not have understood it, but he hoped that tonight, if he accomplished nothing else, he could show Jane her sensual nature.

“And when it comes to more physical pleasures…”

“You have a list of my bedroom preferences?”

“A mental one. There usually isn’t time to take notes.”

She finished the last bite of her dessert and pushed the plate aside. “I’ve always suspected cheesecake is a dish best eaten naked.”

“Is it?”

“Maybe if we’d been sharing it, and you’d been naked, too.” She stood up and came to him, placing her hands on his shoulders.

When she straddled his lap, her breasts were nearly at mouth level, and Luke was reminded of the dessert he’d been longing for all evening. But he’d agreed to play by her rules tonight. That didn’t mean he couldn’t gain the advantage.

“You love to be kissed, long and slow, and especially on the neck.”

Jane smiled. “What else?”

“You love when I bite your nipples. When I run my fingertips along your skin lightly, with a feather touch. When I bring you just to the edge of climax, and then pull back and make you wait a little longer. And you love when I quiet your moans with kisses.”

“Is that all?”

“That’s just the PG-rated list.”

She dipped her head down and kissed him, a slow, exploring kiss—a promise of more to come. “I want to hear the adults-only version.”

“I’ll need to do some demonstrations for that list.”

“Aw, come on, quit with the shy act. You’re not afraid to talk dirty to me, are you?”

He grasped her hips and pulled her closer until his rock-hard erection pressed into her crotch. “If I start talking dirty, I’m gonna have to start acting dirty, too.”