Page 57 of What A Girl Wants

He’d expected her to resist, and she did. For all of two seconds. Until the automatic electricity between them turned on, and she tilted her head to deepen the kiss. Luke felt her tongue slip past his, felt the urgency of her embrace, and knew that she was just as desperate for him as he was for her.

But after a few moments she stiffened and pulled back.

“See, we’re doing it again. This proves my point exactly. Every time there’s a chance for emotional growth between us, we get physical instead.”

“Maybe I was just kissing you to remind you of the way it feels.”

“Just because something feels good isn’t a reason to do it.”

“True, but we’re not talking about sniffing coke or torturing puppy dogs.”

Jane stood up and crossed her arms over her chest as she walked to the window. She stood there, looking out at the view of the front yard lit up by lights in the bushes and on the front porch, and Luke imagined she was probably trying to decide how best to prove herself right.

Finally she turned and looked at him again. “I’d be lying if I said the intensity of the sexual attraction between us didn’t scare me a little.”

“Don’t you get it? It’s not just sexual. Two people aren’t drawn together as strongly as we are unless there’s something more to it than hormones.”

“I have to disagree with you there. If it were more than a sexual attraction, we’d be able to control ourselves and let the relationship develop naturally—but of course we can’t, because there’s nothing natural about the way our relationship began in the first place, with you wanting to prove me wrong.”

Luke felt pressure building between his eyes. He closed them and took a deep breath. “Jane, I never would have made that comment seriously. I propositioned you because I was attracted to you, plain and simple.”

She frowned. “You swear this wasn’t just about proving my book wrong?”

“I swear.”

“I still think we’ve allowed our sexual attraction to stunt the growth of any emotional intimacy we might have had.”

“You’re talking like a relationship guru now. It’s a load of crap when applied to real life.”

Okay, so maybe he should have kept the “crap” comment to himself. Jane’s cheeks took on an angry red glow.

“Maybe I should go. We’re just going to argue all night.”

She started toward the door, but Luke stood up and blocked her way. “Wouldn’t you rather argue with me than get run off the road by a crazed lunatic?”

“You’ve got a point there.” She turned and stalked over to an armchair, which she flopped herself onto.

He sat on the coffee table in front of her, forcing her to look at him. “I’m sorry about that last comment. It was rude and inappropriate. What I should have said is that you can theorize all you want, but theories don’t always apply to real-life relationships.”

“Apology accepted,” she said, looking like she’d still enjoy giving him a good kick in the shin.

“Sometimes you’ve just got to stop looking for expert advice—even if it’s your own—and take a few risks. Live your life according to how you feel in your gut.”

“Sounds like something you read in a book.” She flashed a grin.

“Didn’t I tell you I’m writing one? It’s going to be all about how to get your woman to stop reading relationship books and start sleeping with you again.”

She rolled her eyes. “Okay, okay. Let’s call a truce for tonight.”

Luke extended his hand to her, and she slipped her own hand into his. He drew it to his lips and kissed it, then turned it palm up and let his fingers trace the lines there. When he’d placed a lingering kiss on her palm, he looked up at Jane to find her watching him with a dreamy look in her eyes.

It made him sick to have to wipe that look away with the subject he had to broach next. “We need to talk about what happened tonight, and the implications of it.”

Jane tugged her hand away and tucked it between her knees. “Can’t we just talk about that tomorrow?”

“Would you feel comfortable going home alone tonight?”

She frowned and gave the question some thought. “No.”

“Then yes, we need to talk about it now.”

“I don’t really expect you to let me stay here. I thought maybe you could go with me to my place to pick up some things, and then I’d go to my sister’s apartment for the night.”

“There was the box of porn last week, and now the incident tonight—this is getting more serious.”

“What are you saying? That I need twenty-four-hour bodyguard service?” She flashed a weary half smile, but Luke kept his expression neutral. He didn’t consider Jane’s safety a matter to be taken lightly.