“None.” Nick chuckled. He took the box from her and placed it back in the dark space before picking up the stone covering and fitting it back into the wall. Together they slid the sofa back into place.

Nick sat on the sofa, pulling Giulia’s hand until she sat beside him. She pulled the elephant from her bodice, fingering the jewels.

“I assume I must hand this over to my mother.” She held his gaze. “She was right all along, I did have it.”

“You will do no such thing,” Nick said with force. “We will do what we must to have her removed from English soil. I will convince the woman that Patrick Pepper died with the necklace around his own neck if I must.”

Giulia laughed. “She just might believe that. But I am afraid it would only drive her to search out his resting place. This necklace must be awfully valuable.”

They sat in silence for another moment as the heaviness from the previous hour weighed on their minds. “Shall we go eat?” Nick asked, rising and offering his hand.

“Yes, lets.”