“I am referring to Nick,” he said, a hint of derision shining in his eyes. “I do not scruple to tell you that I have known the man since our infancy, and his behavior has cycled much the same since our youth. He attaches himself to a woman until he gains their affection, and then he grows bored. And when Nick finds himself bored, he moves on to the next conquest without delay.”
A cool wave washed over her heart, and Giulia reminded herself to breathe normally. “What do you mean, Jack? Are you trying to tell me that Nick is not sincere in his attention?” She would have blushed, had apprehension not taken root in her chest.
“I do not presume to tell you what is in anyone else’s mind,” Jack said, softening. “But I will have you know the truth of Nick’s history and you may do with that information what you will. I cannot sit idly by and watch the same thing happen to you that has happened time and again to other, unwitting females.”
He held her gaze so firmly, Giulia would have shrunk away were she made of lesser stock. But she was a Pepper. She did not shrink from the truth any more than she hid away and allowed the Pepper men to solve this key riddle for her.
Jack had nothing to gain from sharing this bit of information with her, and everything to lose. Had Nick overheard their conversation, he could have turned his valet away without a reference. What man would abide their servant speaking ill of them in such a way? Giulia certainly would not.
She could not help but feel that Jack was only trying to help. Furthermore, she could not fight the overwhelming feeling that his warnings were not unfounded.
“Thank you,” she said. “I realize that this could not have been easy for you to say.”
A small smile graced his lips. “It is no large sacrifice, I assure you.”
She watched him bow before he turned and continued walking down the stairs. She could not recall the embrace she’d shared with Nick without her heart warming and a youthful giddiness overtaking her chest. But Jack’s warning called to mind the stories Amelia, Mabel, and Hattie had shared with her at the tea so many weeks ago. Nick had made each of them a target directly after arriving at Halstead—much as he’d made Giulia a target soon after her own arrival.
As loath as she was to admit it, the cycle of behavior, as Jack had aptly called it, spoke for itself.
Giulia leaned back against the bannister, her eyes drifting closed. She had been so naive to imagine that Nick’s flirtations were genuine with her when he had made a game of her friends.
She was such a fool.