Chapter 23

Breakfast had never been so satisfying. Giulia filled her plate, emptied it, and then filled it again. Unloading her fears onto Nick’s shoulders had released a weight within her she had not realized she was carrying. Her shoulders felt lighter, her mind less burdened. That, however, did not change the very distinct feeling that she needed to remain on her guard. There was now an urgency to discovering the source of the elusive jeweled key—what it could possibly be and, perhaps more importantly, where it was.

She sipped her tea as she pondered the facts. Her mother was searching for a key that she described as jeweled that had apparently been left with Giulia’s father sixteen years ago. Father, now deceased, had never mentioned any key, let alone a key that was covered in jewels. Was it covered in jewels, or simply had a jewel somewhere on the device? Most likely not covered, perhaps, for that would be quite impractical.

The next question, and possibly the most important one, was what the key opened. Was it a door? Or could it be a chest? What did the key permit access to that was so valuable?

Heavy footsteps outside of the door betrayed the earl’s approach and gave Giulia enough time to straighten up and throw a welcoming smile toward the doorway.

“Good morning, my lord,” she said.

Lord Hart seemed taken aback by her pleasant disposition but recovered quickly. “You are up mighty early.”

“Yes, it is quite early for me, that is true. I did wonder”—she turned in her chair to follow the earl as he crossed the room to the sideboard and began loading a plate with food—“if you would like to meet this morning to begin planning the ball? I should really begin writing the invitations right away.”

He cleared his throat. “Yes, yes, right away.”

An awkward silence overtook the room. The clank of serving spoons hitting dishes and the light thrumming of Giulia’s fingers on her leg were particularly loud. There was really no sense in holding a meeting after breakfast if they were going to be seated together now, particularly when the planning of the ball could fill the very uncomfortable void. She cleared her throat, deciding to dive in. “And did you want to theme your ball, sir?”

He stopped piling bacon onto his plate and turned toward Giulia. “Theme?”

“Like a masquerade, perhaps. Or a black and white ball? I did attend one function in India where the hostess requested everyone to wear a shade of gold or red and it was absolutely breathtaking. That, however, would not necessarily be considered acceptable here in England, perhaps.”

“I don’t know about acceptability, but the folks of Graton would find it odd.”

Giulia chuckled. “Indeed.”

“Ah, Robert.” Nick strode into the room. “Good morning, my lord.”

Lord Hart grunted in return and took his seat at the head of the table.

She released a breath of relief at her buffer’s entrance. “Perhaps no theme, then?” Giulia continued.

“Oh, right.” The earl nodded as he finished chewing his eggs. “No theme.”

“Am I to put any particular reason for the ball on the invitation? Will people not find it odd if we do not state why the castle is being opened again for festivities?”

“No,” Nick called from the sideboard. “No reason necessary.” He stopped and poked a fork in Giulia’s direction. “Unless you would like to say that the ball is in your honor?”

“But it is not,” she reminded the men. “It is in yours, Nick. We are going to find you a wife.” She smiled facetiously at Nick’s strangled expression and successfully covered the swirling in her own stomach.

“She’s right, you know.” The earl spoke into his plate, and Giulia and Nick shot each other a glance over his head. “We never threw you any sort of celebration to present you to the people as the next earl. It is reason enough.”

Nick’s eyebrows rose. “But I have lived here these last three years, and I believe I know nearly everyone there is to know. That is enough of a presentation for me.”

“That is not how things are done. You will be the next earl and given our strange circumstances, we really ought to present you to the people. We Peppers do not shirk our duties.”

“Very well, Robert. You may present me.” Nick delivered a lavish bow before he moved to the table and gave Giulia a look of surrender, to which she responded with a slight raise of her shoulders and a terribly masked grin.

* * *

The rest of the party decor, guest list, and menu were discussed at length, each member of the conversation rising at least once to refill their plates, and twice, in the earl’s case. Giulia had a decent idea of what the earl would like the ball to look like, and even more how Nick would like it presented, and found a decent middle ground in her mind that would certainly do well for the Pepper name. Which, fortunately, both Nick and Lord Hart cared about deeply.

If they were going to reopen the castle socially, then they must do it right.

The thought sent a shiver up Giulia’s spine, and she shook her shoulders to release it. A warm hand closed over her arm and she turned toward Nick’s concerned eyes.

“Are you cold?” he asked with a slight furrow between his pale brows.