“Nowhere more peaceful than this?” Nick cocked an eyebrow. “And this comes from our world traveler.”

“I am hardly a voice of authority on the matter, but I can speak for myself, and I wholeheartedly believe that. Even this old, stony castle is immensely peaceful in its own odd way. I have yet to find a place where I was able to feel comfortable so quickly. And it has nothing to do with the bedroom I have been appointed.” She took a bite of her potatoes and then continued. “My lord, you have the most magnificent home. I have scarcely lived in such luxury and I must say I am getting used to it. When I leave here I must be sure to find a position in a similar household, for I do not think I can ever sleep on a bed that is not made from feathers again.”

The earl looked up and then shot a glance to Nick before clearing his throat. “Actually, I wanted to speak to you about that.”

Giulia paused, lowering her fork.

Lord Hart gestured to his heir. “Nicholas is healing well enough and I believe he has ceased the need for a nurse. But there is another way in which I can employ your assistance before you make your departure.”

This was news. “In what capacity?”

“I have the need for a feminine eye, if you will.”

Intriguing. She glanced to Nick, but he looked as shocked as she was.

“You see,” Lord Hart began, “I am going to host a ball for Nicholas, and I could use your help in the planning and the execution of the event. We have not held anything remotely like a ball since my mother was here to oversee it, and I have found that I do not know the first thing about hosting such an event.”

Giulia was stunned. “I have never planned a ball before, my lord.”

He waved a hand as if that was inconsequential. “Yes, well, we have a housekeeper for the technicalities.”

Then what did Lord Hart need Giulia for? She looked at Nick and he lifted his shoulders in a shrug.

“I would be happy to help,” she said. Particularly when it meant she could remain at Halstead longer. “But is it not unwise to open the castle with such a threat hanging over us?”

The earl shot her a determined look. “Halstead is impenetrable. Only our trusted guests will be admitted. We will be safe.”

His logic was sound, but for the minor issue that he did not know who the threat was. But who was Giulia to argue with the earl? “Very good, my lord. What is the occasion for the ball?”

“Nicholas is to be married.”

A spray of food hit the table, followed shortly by a round of coughing. “I am what?” Nick yelled.

“It is time for you to marry,” the earl said easily between bites of food, not the least perturbed. He appeared not to notice the food that now littered the table in front of Nick, nor the shock on his heir’s face.

“And have you already chosen the bride as well, Robert, or is this ball in anticipation of my becoming engaged?”

“No need for hysterics, my boy. The ball is for you to meet eligible ladies from which you may choose a wife for yourself.”

“I see, and when am I to make this choice?”

Lord Hart turned to Nick. “Would the end of the night be too much to ask?”

Giulia looked from one man to the other. Nick stared, his mouth hung slack as if it was, indeed, far too much to ask. The earl returned to his dinner.

Nick cleared his throat. He looked prepared to fight and Giulia stepped in before daggers could be thrown. “When is the ball to take place, my lord?”

“A fortnight from tomorrow will suffice.”

“Very well. That sounds doable, doesn’t it, Nick?”

Nick grunted as he stabbed his meat and began sawing with vigor.

“I have a guest list prepared,” Lord Hart said. “Nicholas may add to it, and we can meet tomorrow to go over the logistics.” He speared Giulia with a look, his eyes widening under their bushy eyebrows. “But then I expect you to take charge.”

“That sounds agreeable, my lord.”

Lord Hart grunted in return and resumed eating. He was a savvy opponent, to be sure, and Giulia was glad that in this particular moment he was not her opponent. She smiled at the furious man who sat across from her and felt gratitude at the turn of events that had taken place.

She no longer had to nurse Nick, and she had a reason to stay on for a few more weeks. If nothing else, that would give her time to find a position. And, hopefully, to figure out what to do about her mother’s recent reappearance in her life.