Nick nodded in understanding, but that did not ease the guilt. “We need to find him.” He was surprised by the steel in his own voice.

“I have sent out every man I could spare to do another search. Though if there was anyone to find I think we would have found him on our first search.”

“Who would target Giulia? Who would target me?” Nick shook his head in wonder as they continued toward the house. “I have never had an enemy in my life.”

“But now you are the future earl.”

“As I have been for the last three years. Still, no enemies. My father had no brothers. I do not even know who would be next in line for the earldom.”

“You can think of no one who would want to harm you?” Robert questioned.

“Not enough to try and kill me. I do not get along perfectly with everyone, naturally, but to try and shoot me? No, I can think of no one that hates me that much.”

“We need to discover who is next in line behind you. You don’t have any male cousins?”

“No, none.”

Robert shook his head and held the door open while Nick stepped through it. “I am going to my study. Check on Giulia.”

Nick turned. “Why not check on her yourself?”

Robert shook his head as he continued toward his study. “I am satisfied. I am going to take care of a little business before I eat.”

Nick watched the earl disappear down the hall and shook his head. The man cared, that much was obvious. Too bad the Pepper pride was getting in the way or Robert could enjoy a relationship with Giulia. They would get along splendidly if their walls were down, Nick was sure.

Nick turned toward the parlor where he had spent the last hour pacing and anticipation quickened his steps. Crossing the threshold, he pulled up short, his gaze riveted by the woman’s wild hair and intelligent gaze. He relaxed at once, watching her. She was here. She was well, and she was whole.

Mason stood near the fireplace, one arm leaning against the mantle while the other rested on his hip. Giulia poured a glass of amber liquid and handed it to the doctor. She smiled at Nick before crossing toward him. She was abnormally pale, and as Nick let her lead him to the settee, he realized that she was taking care of him, when it was she who should be cared for. She had just been thrown from a horse, for pity’s sake!

He lowered himself onto the sofa and was exceedingly satisfied when she sat beside him. “How are you feeling?” she asked, concern pulling her brows together.

Nick laughed. “Me? I am fine; do not worry over me.” His gaze swept over her again, reliving his relief that she was unharmed. He turned to Mason, who had taken a seat in a cream-colored armchair across from them. “What do you think, doc? Is she truly well?”

Mason nodded. “Appears unharmed to me. Although,” he turned his attention to Giulia, “you will most likely be sore tomorrow. No one walks away from a fall like that without any repercussions.”

“Yes,” she nodded, “it is not my first time being thrown. I know what to expect.” Giulia stood and addressed the men at the same time. “I must go and change for dinner; I am covered in dirt. Please tell the earl not to wait for me.” She smiled at them both and then left the room.

Nick was dazed. He had spent an hour pacing, worrying, stressing over the horrible possibilities, only for her to return fully well. She did not seem rattled in the least. Could she be putting on a brave face, or had Robert blown things out of proportion?

He faced Mason. “Now,” he said evenly, “tell me. Must we be worried?”

Mason’s dark red eyebrows were pulled together, but he did not look concerned, simply mystified. “She appears well, physically. Until we know the culprit, however, there is no way to know exactly what to expect. Was this a strange, random occurrence? Someone poaching on the earl’s land that shot too close to Miss Pepper’s horse? Or has someone set out to hurt the Peppers?” He eyed Nick, who raised his hands in innocence.

“I just told Lord Hart the same thing that I will tell you,” Nick said. “Aside from whomever may be next in line for the earldom, I can think of no person who would want me gone. I have no enemies that I know of.”

Mason’s eyes glazed over, and he nodded in understanding. “Well,” he said, standing, “I better be off. My sister will want to know that Miss Pepper is safe.”

Nick stood, bowing his head. Mason returned the nod before eyeing his bad shoulder. “You should be healed by now, but Miss Pepper treated you as though you were still an invalid.”

“I am well,” Nick replied, saying no more.

Mason studied him, but Nick did not want to explain the ruse or his wish to keep the woman around longer. He led the way to the front door, walking Mason out.

As soon as the door closed behind the doctor, Nick turned for the earl’s study. They were going to figure this out. Now that Giulia was involved—if Giulia was involved—the stakes had risen heavily. This would not go unanswered.