“I hope you will grow used to it,” Hattie said as she stood and shook out her skirts. “We look forward to seeing you again next Thursday.”
“Same time, same place.” Mabel smiled as she moved to put away the peppermint box.
Giulia could not believe she was being grafted into this group and their comfortable literary society. “Every week?”
“Yes,” Amelia said, grinning, “every week. As any respectable literary society would do.”
Hattie scoffed. “Literary society, indeed.”
“Well it’s a step up from our old name,” Amelia said with a grin.
Hattie laughed, covering her face with both hands. “Oh, do not say it!”
Mabel chuckled from where she was closing the door, cutting out the sunlight and shrouding them in the dim light that peeked through the slats of the barn walls.
“Now you must share,” Giulia said.
“The Ugly Duckling Society,” Amelia said dryly.
“Oh heavens!” Giulia laughed. “That could not be more inaccurate.”
Amelia swatted a hand through the air. “We all had sort of an awkward childhood. My red hair was untamable, Hattie hated her freckles—”
“Still do!” Hattie shouted.
Amelia shot Hattie a stern look and continued, “And Mabel felt like a giant.”
Mabel crossed to the ladder and began descending. She did not add still do as well, but it was obvious in her expression that she felt the same as Hattie about her insecurity.
“To be fair, we did all look rather awkward as girls,” Hattie added. “And we chose the name hoping we’d live the fairy tale and outgrow our uncomfortable traits.”
“We decided to change the name a few years ago.” Amelia’s voice grew distant and Hattie crossed to her before squeezing her shoulders and then descending from the loft.
“That is ironic,” Giulia said as she followed them down the ladder. “I’ve lately thought of you as The Swans, even before I heard that story.”
Mabel laughed from somewhere below them. “I like that!”
“Should we pick a new book for next week?” Amelia asked as she moved toward her own horse. Each of the ladies were collecting their horses and leading them out of the barn, Giulia following suit.
“How about The Taming of the Shrew?” Mabel offered.
“No, I have not finished Emma yet!” Hattie said, stricken. “I am only halfway through.”
“Fine; Emma will remain for now.”
Giulia led her horse outside to a mounting block that was situated beside the barn. “I thought you did not actually read the books?”
“We do not, usually. But Hattie does,” Mabel explained. “And we change them frequently enough to keep up the facade.”
“As if anyone actually believes we discuss books.” Hattie snorted.
Mabel gave Hattie a pointed look. “I am sure they believe you do.”
The ladies all mounted their horses and guided them in different directions.
“Until next week!” Hattie called as she urged her horse and took off. They each bid farewell and moved away in four different directions, and Giulia found herself already looking forward to the following meeting of the Literary Society.