The space was wide, open, and bright, yet cozy and comfortable in a way that enveloped Giulia in a warm hug. She admired the women who had put this space together and felt honored to be invited into what was obviously a sanctuary of theirs.

A soft nudge on her boot reminded her that she was still perched at the top of the ladder and she continued the rest of the way into the loft, followed closely by Mabel.

“This is…” Giulia faltered, she did not know how to put into words what she felt about this place. She knew that most of the words that came to mind would not do it justice.

“Pretty spectacular, isn’t it?” Mabel whispered as she passed Giulia and dropped onto one of the sofas, resting her feet on a patched-up ottoman that sat in the middle of the seating area. She reached across the cushions and gathered the blankets, folding them into an orderly pile. “Though it is a bit of a mess today, Hattie. Did you arrive early and take a nap?”

“It was like this when we arrived,” Amelia said, sitting opposite her friend and pulling her feet under her. She leaned against the back of the sofa and pulled a yellow and green quilt from Mabel’s neat pile, laying it over her lap.

Hattie stood by the open doorway and stretched her hands high above her head. She turned to Giulia and gestured for her to join her.

The loft was high above the ground and from the open door, Giulia could see for miles. The crisp air was biting but the sun was bright and glorious and lit the world in a joyful way. “It is beautiful.”

“It is,” Hattie agreed. “And you can see Halstead Manor from here as well. Look over there.”

Giulia looked where Hattie pointed and saw the tops of the towers peeking out from over the trees. The splendor of the castle made pride swell in her chest. That was the home of her ancestors. “It is so strange that a castle would be called a manor,” she said, more to herself than to Hattie. “You’d think the Pepper pride would have caused them to name it correctly.”

“It is the Pepper pride that is keeping the name as it is,” Hattie returned.

“What do you mean?” Giulia turned and followed Hattie to the sofas. Hattie lowered herself onto the pile of pillows and lay propped up on the arrangement, pulling a quilt onto her lap as well. Giulia sat on the edge of the sofa and faced Hattie.

“Well, when the castle was being built, the family who owned it submitted information to the King describing the ‘manor’ they were constructing. They bribed the necessary officials, encouraging a blind eye, then built a small manor in the front of the property while hiding the castle as far back as they could.”

“Whatever for?”

“To save from paying more taxes, of course.” Amelia shrugged.

Giulia laughed out loud and then sobered when she saw that they were entirely serious. “Whatever happened to the actual manor?”

“It was only a front, and it eventually fell apart. It has not been around for hundreds of years.”

“And the king never discovered that there was actually a castle?”

“Oh, it was discovered. One can’t keep a castle hidden, regardless of how hard one tries.” Hattie laughed. “And the taxes were paid. But the Lord Hart at the time was given the title of earl for bravery in the wars. He’d previously been a viscount. And he was so proud of his grandfather for getting away with the whole charade that he dubbed his castle Halstead Manor and no earl since has wanted to change it.”

“They are an awfully prideful group, the Pepper men,” Mabel interjected. “Proud to be British, and proud of their ability to fool the British government. It is all very childish.”

Hattie snorted. “Childish. That is not limited just to Pepper men, surely.”

“No,” Amelia said with a laugh, “not just the Pepper men. But it is a trait both sexes can claim on occasion.”

Giulia thought back to Nick’s pouting earlier and smiled in agreement.

“Well that is a knowing smile, Miss Pepper,” Mabel said facetiously. “Do tell.”

She laughed awkwardly and shook her head.

“Do you have a beau?” Hattie asked, her eyes holding a dreamy gaze.

Giulia nodded. “Yes, I suppose you could say that.”

All at once, the three women leaned forward eagerly. Three sets of eyes trained on Giulia and she chuckled awkwardly. “It is not so romantic.”

“Who is he?” Hattie asked.

“Ames. Well, Gerald Ames to be precise. But his Christian name doesn’t suit at all. He’s been called Ames his whole life.”

“You mentioned him at our tea,” Mabel said. “He is your father’s man of all work, yes? Where is he now?” Mabel lay on her side with her head propped up by her elbow, taking up the entire sofa with her long body spread out.