Nick’s brows knit together slightly. “You are going somewhere?”

“Yes,” Giulia responded, a little annoyed. “Do not look so surprised.”

“Well I am surprised. I was unaware you knew anyone around here.”

“Not that it is any concern of yours, Nicholas Pepper,” she said with a playful edge, “but I happened to meet Dr. Mason’s sister last time he called, and she has invited me to tea.”

“Ah, yes; I remember the fatally beautiful Mrs. Fawn.”

Giulia tried not to be jealous. Truly, she did. But it was not altogether possible, perhaps, for one to control every last emotion one felt.

“Be wary of those ladies,” Nick warned. He dropped his voice. “They are admirable, but a bit eccentric.”

Giulia reared her head back in surprise. “How did you know I was meeting Mrs. Fawn’s friends?”

“Because,” Nick replied smugly, “they are inseparable.”

Giulia ignored his warning and leaned down to undo his bandage. She could feel his eyes boring into the side of her face as she checked his injury, lifting the dressing and noting the healing skin. It looked good. It actually looked really, really good. She was surprised at how quickly his shoulder was healing. Given the state of his injury, it was odd that he still felt weak enough to remain in bed.

“Well, the ham must possess magic,” Giulia joked as she replaced his bandage. “I cannot think of another reason why you would be healing so quickly. Your progress is truly incredible.”

“That, or I can thank my magnificent caregiver.”

“I will pass it on to Dr. Mason. I hope I am able to catch him at his home. I may as well save him a trip out here.”

“Yes,” Nick said dryly, “how very thoughtful of you.”

She threw him a quizzical glance. “Did you want to see him?”

“Not as badly as he wants to see you.”

Giulia huffed. “Nick! How dare you insinuate such a thing.” She gave him her best glare while he refastened his shirt, smirking. It was infuriating, and entirely distracting.

“That was no insinuation, Giulia. Simple observation could tell you that.”

“Well,” she said, holding his gaze. It was time. She’d nearly told him once before, but now she simply had to be out with it. The flapping of nonexistent wings in her stomach made her feel as though she walked across a precarious bridge. She was surprised when her voice sounded steady. “I’ll have you know that if that is the case, he will be sorely disappointed.”

“Is that so?” Nick looked smug.

“Yes.” A brief pause highlighted her hesitation, but she lifted her chin. “I am already spoken for.”

Nick’s face fell momentarily, but he quickly righted it. The breath of silence did not last long. “You said you were not betrothed though.”

“Betrothed, no. But spoken for just the same.”

Nick raised an eyebrow as if to question her reasoning.

“We had reason to wait, not that I owe you an explanation.”

“Very well; when do we get to meet the lucky man?”

“Probably never,” Giulia said over her shoulder as she walked toward the door, escaping as quickly as she could. “Have a good day, Nick. I will see you this evening.”

“Don’t forget my warning,” he called after her. “Be on your guard.”

Giulia shook her head as she walked out. The man was infuriating. He was also her ticket to staying at Halstead for the time being. For that, and that alone, she was grateful for him.

But that wasn’t the whole of it, was it? Not truly. If it was, why would she feel such unease in her gut?