She threw the inappropriate thoughts from her mind. How could she examine a man’s physique so thoroughly? What would Ames think if he knew how she was admiring this complete and total stranger? Her vicinity to the man and the intimacy involved in her care of his wound was questionable enough. Now that she was back in England, she would have to take care, to act the part of a lady—as Father had asked of her.

She mentally shook herself and returned her attention to Danger with a smile on her face. Not that it mattered, for his eyes were screwed shut. But she liked to think the smile could be heard through her voice.

“I do wish I had some laudanum to give you. It would put you to sleep though, and then I would be forced to talk to myself. That is not quite an attractive idea, I feel.” She wadded up his cravat and pressed it against the wound on the front of the shoulder where the majority of the blood was pooling before picking up the strips of ripped petticoat and using them to wrap underneath his arm and around his neck to firmly hold the cravat in place.

“Danger, you must not think me selfish.” Giulia tied off the bandage and then dropped a hand to his and squeezed his fingers in a show of support. He did not squeeze back, his cold, calloused hand still beneath her touch. She swallowed. “I do promise that if I had laudanum at my disposal, I would not hesitate to administer it to you. It would be much more pleasant to talk to myself than to sit here and know that I am causing you pain. Please keep in mind though, that what I am doing will undoubtedly help you feel better eventually, for I have staunched the bleeding. You must feel more secure with this wrap in place, yes? Now, for the chill.”

She released his hand and moved to her trunk before pulling out her winter pelisse, a nice, fur-lined garment of blue wool. “This should do the trick,” Giulia murmured as she laid the pelisse over the large man, covering his torso and legs down to his knees. She stared below his knees for a moment, her brow furrowing.

“I am afraid I have nothing to cover your legs. Nor any food to give you for sustenance.” Her stomach growled on cue. “I promise that was not to prove my innocence,” she said with a smile and tucked the pelisse around Danger’s shoulders and waist. “Now, I am trying to determine if it would be foolish to continue on this road, or if I should go back the way I came and attempt to flag down any passing carriages. I do think that given the late hour, I may have more luck if I continue onward. My father always said I was a quick runner, though that is entirely unladylike so you must promise never to reveal that tidbit of information. I have only shared it with you now, Danger, so that you will not be alarmed at my choice to leave you. I cannot possibly sit around here and wait on this deserted road for help. And that is no exaggeration; it truly does seem quite deserted.”

She wondered briefly if it would be safe to leave him alone. He’d found some reason to get himself shot in the first place. Could Danger’s foe return to finish the job? Unlikely. Given the blood loss and incoherence of her patient, it had been some time since the wound had been inflicted. The assailant was surely long gone. She hoped. No, if there was any danger in leaving Danger, it was only the possibility of a carriage coming this way and not seeing him.

Giulia chewed on her lip and looked at the strained expression on the stranger’s face. He did not have much time. He needed a doctor right away.

She shot to her feet. “I will be quick, Danger. I am leaving all of my possessions with you, so you must guard them. I am trusting you with everything I own.”

Danger’s lip twitched and Giulia stifled a gasp. It could have been a trick of the moonlight, but it looked as if he was fighting a smile. That was a very good sign and her heart soared. She took off in the direction of Halstead Manor and ran with all of her might.