He also knew himself capable of feeding himself this ham, but he would not give that away yet. The longer he appeared to need Miss Pepper, the longer she stayed at Halstead.

Miss Pepper laughed and shook her head while she prepared another bite. “Julia.”

He perked up, coming out of his euphoria.

She gave him a stern look. “But my name begins with a ‘G’. G-I-U-L-I-A. None of this British Julia nonsense.”

“Italian?” he asked.


He took another bite and chewed while he watched her prepare a forkful and smother it in gravy. She was fantastic. “But you are British, yes?”

She glanced up at him with offense so fierce he nearly choked on his ham.

“I am half British, yes. And half of me is Italian.”

Nick decided not to push the issue. It appeared to be a tender one. He put his hands up in mock surrender. “Very well, Giulia.”

She smiled to herself while she fed him another bite.

He had not felt this satisfied in a long, long time.