Chapter 7

Acommotion aroused Nick from sleep. He peeked his eyes open long enough to find a gathering of people by the door to his bedchamber whispering furiously to one another.

“We must wake him,” a female voice argued, sounding put out. Ah, Miss Pepper. “He needs to eat. If he does not eat then he will not regain his strength.”

“He is clearly in need of rest,” Robert barked back. “His valet can sit with him and notify Cook as soon as he has awakened. Sleep is more important than food right now.”

“Where is the experience you have to back up this theory, my lord?”

Well, that was saucy. Nick wanted to open his eyes and witness how red Robert’s face became, but once he did, the argument would end. He kept them shut.

“I do not need credentials to prove common sense. I am a man. And I am more than twice your age.”

“Ah, the ‘I am older than you are, so I know best’ argument. Well, my lord, I can easily run through a list of my qualifications, for there are many men I have treated in similar situations to this one and under the direction of a very wise and trained doctor. Am I not employed now to do that very thing?”

The growl emanating from Robert was low and dangerous.

Nick opened his eyes. There was no sense in prolonging the argument further. He needed to put a stop to it before Robert could request his dueling pistols.

“I believe your patient has awakened.” Jack’s voice broke the silence and all heads shot toward Nick.

“See what you did!” Robert nearly yelled.

Miss Pepper scoffed as she carried a tray toward Nick, setting it on the bedside table and perching on the chair beside him.

“Oh, wonderful. I am starved,” Nick said for Miss Pepper’s benefit as much as to end the argument. Besides, it was the truth.

She gave him a dry smile and proceeded to lift a spoon full of creamy soup to his mouth. He drank and sighed. Finally, some flavor.

Robert turned to leave, and Nick raised a hand to stop him. “I wonder if you could explain something to me, my lord.”

The look Robert shot Nick was humorous. His pride had taken a few hits, but he would never show it.

“Miss Pepper has been taking her meals in here, has she not?” Nick asked.

Robert’s grunt signified a yes.

“I am not sure if that would be very proper now that I am alert. A single woman taking her meals in a single man’s bedchamber. What if the news spread?”

Robert seemed to think this over. He clearly was not ready to admit it, but some small part of him had to care for his niece. At the very least, he cared about the image she presented. The one of her mother.

“I will take my meals in my room,” Miss Pepper offered. She must have considered this already as well.

“Oh no, that would not do,” Nick responded in an exaggerated scold. “We at Halstead are much more civil-mannered than that. How would it look if we forced a guest to eat in her room? Especially when we have a grand dining room and fully equipped staff.”

Robert pierced him with a glare, but he ignored it and pushed forward. “Why do you not take your meals with the earl? I am sure he would be more than gratified by your company since mine is so dismally lacking at present.”

Miss Pepper glanced at the earl and shook her head, her face a rigid picture of stone. “I am not here as a guest. I couldn’t possibly—”

“Nonsense, you will eat with me,” the earl snapped. “Six o’clock. Don’t be late.”

Robert blasted from the room.

Frown lines creased Miss Pepper’s brow as she pulled back and dipped the spoon into the bowl once more.

Nick’s eyelids drifted shut as he took in the spoonful of delicious, creamy soup and sighed. He opened his eyes to find Miss Pepper watching him with a look of mild amusement—though he detected within her look a hint of distrust.

He flashed her a smile and waited for the reciprocating grin. Women loved his winning smiles.