Page 8 of The Pirate's Booty

“Marry me,” I say as I slide into her heat slowly.

“What?” she asks, clearly shocked.

“Be my wife, be my everything,” I ask again.

“Yes,” she finally says after taking a moment to think about it. I start moving in and out of her, sealing our fate, my only thought is putting my kid in her so she’ll never leave me.

“I love you, Bronn,” she whispers. She says it so softly, I almost didn’t hear her.

“I love you too, Adella.”

It was fast, but that’s what happens when you fall in love at first sight. It’s quick and messy but the fucking best thing that’s ever happened to me. We finish. Sweaty and spent, I climb off of her and lie down beside her, pulling her close to me.

“Are we making a mistake?” she asks.

“No. Marry me today,” I say. I specifically chose Raultshire to dock because they were the closet country with no marriage license waiting period of non-resident restrictions.

“Today? What’s the hurry?” she asks, laughing.

“I can’t go another second without you being mine,” I tell her.

“I’m already yours, Bronn.”

“That’s not what I mean. I need you bound to me, forever.”

“Okay. Yes, I’ll marry you today,” she says, putting me out of my misery. I reach over the side of bed for my pants and pulls the ring box out of my pocket.

“Oh my God. When did you have time to get this?” she asks, as I slide it on her finger.

“Pierre brought it out to me. It’s the finest Caerleon silver with a princess-cut opal,”

“I love it. Thank you,” she says, tears filling her green eyes.

“Don’t cry, baby girl.”

“I’m not. I just miss my mama. She should be with me today, helping me.

“Hmm… You know you are probably right about that. Get dressed.”

“What?” she asks, already getting out of bed and throwing her dress back on. I get dressed as well and we exit the room hand in hand. After walking about six doors down, I knock on Suite 617. The door is thrown open by a little girl, no older than six.

“Sissy!” the little girls shouts. Adella looks down, blinking in surprise.

“Sarah?” she asks, before dropping to her knees and pulling the little girl into her arms.

“How? How did you get them passports and plane tickets?” she asks after Sarah runs off.

“The passports were easy. I know a guy in the state department and as for the tickets, my family has a private jet.”

“A private jet?” she parrots back.

“Didn’t you know? I’m loaded.”

“No. I thought you were a yacht captain and someone else owned the boat.”

“Nope. The Booty is mine.”

She kisses me as her parents round the corner. There is some commotion, shouting, and tears as the family reconnects after two years apart.

“You must be Bronn,” her father says, extending his hand for me to shake. I can tell he’s not that much older than I am. Maybe forty-five.

“Mr. Watts, it’s nice to meet you.”

“None of that shit. Mr. Watts was my father and he’s an asshole. Jerry is fine.”

“Nice to meet you, Jerry.”

“Thank you for making this happen. I can’t tell you how much being here means to my wife. As you can see we have a lot of children, with another the way. We don’t have much of anything but love to give.”

“I understand, sir.” The unshed tears in his eyes as he looks at his wife and oldest daughter locked in an unbreakable embrace seals it for me. I had already decided to help the family when Adella told me about their struggles last week, but I’ll do anything for this family now. My family.

“I can’t believe you did this for me,” she says after we are married and back in our own suite.

“I know it hasn’t been all that long, Adella, but know that I’ll do any and everything for you,” I reply, kissing her forehead.

“Unzip me?” she asks. I reach behind her and pull the tab on the zipper down slowly.

“Where will we live?” she asks.

“I hear Texas is nice.”


One Year Later

I’m as big as a house, I think as I stare at myself in the mirror. I’m eight months pregnant and it’s so fucking hot in August. Our new house was finally built in Kissing Junction. It’s a ten room mansion with a ten room guest house on the property. My parents moved in there last week, all of siblings in tow, except Josh, who got a job on an oil rig out in the Gulf. The charter season starts in a few months and my mama has graciously said she would add this babe to her brood for the three months Bronn and I are gone. I am not a hundred percent sure I’ll be able to leave the baby that soon, but if not, Bronn said Hollis would take over this season. It’s absolutely wonderful to be home and not be a burden. Things are so easy going now, mama was able to quit all of her job and stay home with the little kids. Dad is just down to one job, working for Bronn’s dad at their company. I have no idea what Dad does there. All I do know is that he’s happy and comes home at five every day.