Page 6 of The Pirate's Booty

“Come with me. I want to show you something,” I tell her after finally breaking the kiss, missing it instantly. I pull her down the street toward the beach, knowing exactly how this night will end.

With her.

In the dark.

Under me.

Moaning my name.


My lips are still tingling from his kiss. I wish I hadn’t had all that garlic on my pasta because I know one tiny mint isn’t going to fix all that, but he didn’t seem to mind. Just the thought him kissing me makes my pussy wet. Fuck. I’m going to do a bad thing tonight; I just know it. A very good bad thing, but still. I can’t help thinking of his explanation of the crew’s extra-vocational activities. I definitely didn’t come here to be a criminal, but I know now that I’d follow this man to the ends of the Earth. I don’t know how or why I would do that, but I know that I would. Whatever he wanted me to do, I’d do it with a smile on my face. I feel connected to him. It could all be in my head, but somehow I doubt that. That kiss was the kind of kiss that I’ve read about in romance novels. I’ve kissed other men, but those kisses were not like that. His kiss was somehow both soft and demanding. It set my soul on fire and I didn’t really know that was possible. I know what love is though. I’ve witnessed it every single day for the first eighteen years of my life. My parent’s love each other no matter what. Despite their obstacles, they love each other so much that they stick together and make it work. They made it work when we were eating ramen noodles every meal for two weeks and the times they had to decide between gas in the car to get to work or formula for the babies. They happily walked. I never understood that kind of devotion to one another, but I am beginning to, as crazy as that might seem.

I let him lead me to a huge bonfire on the beach where people of all ages are sitting around it on beach chairs, drinking and cutting up. As usual, I feel out of place. Growing up like I did, I never had the cool clothes or shoes and I couldn’t participate in the cool activities like cheerleading or sports, which in Texas are pretty much the only acceptable activities, so I never really made friends nor learned how to survive in social situations. I squeeze Bronn’s hand tighter. As much as I lament my life before, I still loved it. Every minute of my childhood was filled with love and understanding from my parents and my siblings.

“What are we doing here, Bronn?” I ask, saying his name out loud for the first time.

“You’ll see,” he says moving us further from the people.

We sit down on the sand on a secluded part of the beach behind some rocks. Not five minutes later, fireworks blaze across the night sky. A spectacular display of lights and booms assail my senses and I love it.

“Wow,” I breathe, looking up and over at Bronn. His face is lit up as he stares down at me.

“You are so fucking beautiful; do you know that?” he asks and I feel my core tighten. Men have spoken to me like this before, but never one that I felt something for.

“Thank you,” I whisper before his lips are on mine again. Immediately, I am lost in the kiss. I claw at the back his shirt wanting to touch his skin. I finally free it and my hands roam the expanse of his muscular back.

“I want you so motherfucking bad,” he murmurs into my ear.

“I want you too, sir.” I say and hear him suck in a breath.

“Let’s go, baby girl,” he says standing quickly, pulling me to my feet. We practically run back to the boat, just as it starts to pour down rain on us. I giggle as the cold water cools my ridiculously heated skin. Once we are back on the boat, we ditch our shoes and make our way downstairs, kissing and touching the whole way.

“Hey, Cap. Woah, you picked up a girl?” Someone asks as soon as we are the crew kitchen, and my jealousy ratches up a notch. I’m know I’m not the first girl he’s fucked but I don’t have to like it. Bronn doesn’t answer whoever it is. “Oh, oh. Shit.” The man sounds shocked, but I can’t bring myself to care. We are closed in his cabin before I know it. He strips me out of my dress so fast, my head spins. I didn’t wear a bra, so his lips are wrapped around my nipple so fast. My back arches as I welcome his exploration of my body. He pulls away from my nipple moving to other one. Finally he pulls back altogether.