Page 2 of The Pirate's Booty

“Permission to speak freely, Captain?” Valens was in the Coast Guard Auxiliary for years. I always forget that.

“Of course,” I say, smiling.

“She said you wouldn’t succumb to her advances. She said she tried everything to get you to fuck her.”

“What?” I ask, surprised. No woman has turned my head since I was a randy teen trying to get into the head cheerleader's pants. Once I joined the Navy, I didn’t have time for women. Other men in my unit made time for them, but not me. My career was my focus. I had planned on rising up in rank to Admiral, but that was derailed at Captain when I joined the SEALS. I was given a new designation there, and my career path went in a different direction until I was shot by friendly fire.

“Yeah. Her quitting was probably the best thing. I’ll get started on hiring someone new.”

“Thank you, Valens. I trust your judgment. Do we need to worry about her spilling our secrets?”

“No. I hammered it in pretty good that she signed a non-disclosure agreement and reminded her that no one would miss her if she took a long walk off a short pier.”

“Damn, okay. Remind me not to piss you off,” I say, chuckling.

“Thank you, sir,” she says before leaving.

Every boss in the world knows it’s not a good idea to be sleeping with your employees, but I feel like that’s even more so on a boat. In such small quarters, I’d never be rid of her. Not to mention, Julia had the most annoying, braying laugh. I could have gotten over that if I were so inclined, but all she ever talked about was money and politics, my least favorite subjects. It was a combination that made sure I’d never look at her twice.

Twenty minutes later, Valens comes back into my office.

“I found her, sir. She’s on vacation in Santa Theresa, Sardinia but is willing to cut her trip short. She’ll take the ferry over on foot. I took the liberty of booking that for her. She worked in housekeeping on a cruise ship for two years. It’s not ideal, but she knows the basics. She’ll be here within the hour.”

“Excellent. Thank you.” I imagine the girl will be here shortly as we are docked in Bonifacio, Corsica. The ferry ride only takes about fifty minutes.

I approve the order tickets Valens put on my desk and order the fuel for the upcoming trip.

“Captain?” Jimmy’s voice crackles through the walkie-talkie on my desk about two hours after Valens left my office the second time.

“Yes, Jimmy?”

“The new stew is here,” he says.

“I’ll be right there,” I say, getting up from my desk so I can do the proper thing and introduce myself to my newest crew member.

I make my way down to the main deck and wait with the rest of the crew. This is the first time we’ve had a new crew member in the middle of the season, so no one knows what to do. Just as I come out of the sliding door, I see her. Discreetly, I adjust my cock. Shit. This can’t be happening. My attention focuses on the red-haired, freckle-faced goddess who is currently kicking out of her lime green Nike’s not ten feet from me. We don’t wear shoes on the boat for safety, but you do need them to walk up the gangplank. When she rights herself and her bright green eyes meet mine, I suck in a breath. I see rather than hear her gasp. Her plump lips form a perfect O, and I can’t help imagining them wrapped around my dick as she looks up at me with those hauntingly expressive eyes.

“Captain?” Valens says, lightly punching me in the arm, leading me to believe she’s called my name more than once.

“Yes?” I answer.

“This is Adella Watts. Adella, this is Captain Bronn Bronson.” I shake the girl’s outstretched hand and feel a spark. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she says, and her lilting southern accent hits my ears. Fuck. Southern girls are my kryptonite. Is it my imagination, or did she say pleasure weird? Get it together, Bronn.

“Good to meet you, Adele, was it?” I know full fucking well that’s not her name.

“Adella,” she corrects, smiling at me.

“Right. Sorry. I’ll get it.”

“No worries, sir,” she says before finally dropping my hand.

“Valens will get you squared away. I look forward to working with you. My office is always open if you need anything.”

“Thank you and thank you for giving me a chance.”

“You’re helping us out, Adella, so thank you.”

I watch her and Valens leave the deck to go below, and it takes me a moment to move.

I can already tell that this girl is going to be trouble. The best kind of trouble. The kind of trouble I’ll try my hardest to get into. Why the hell does she have to be so breathtakingly beautiful? I know myself. I know that I’ll never be able to stop thinking about her. I must have her.