They would want to take her statement as well.

Mackenzie touched his arm. “You can call Terra and let her know. Please just take us back to...”

She didn’t finish. She didn’t have to. Nora was in a bad frame of mind, and she would be more upset if he took her back to the scene. His law enforcement friends would just have to be okay with it. He turned around and returned to Stone Wolf Ranch while he called Terra to let her know that Nora was safe and where they were headed.

One of the detectives planned to stop by the cabin to talk to Nora. Alex wasn’t sure how much Nora would share and how much she would hold close.

Relief washed over him when he steered the Mustang up the long drive to Stone Wolf Ranch, and as he took the short drive back to the cabins, he noticed the lights were off in the cabin across the way where Erin and her mother were staying. Alex was relieved Terra hadn’t woken Erin.

He stopped in front of the cabin and climbed out, then helped Mackenzie assist her sister. Nora’s jacket, blouse, and pants had a few smudges and one rip near the hem of her slacks, but she looked psychologically traumatized more than physically harmed. Still, one could be as bad as the other.

“What is this place?” She glanced at Mackenzie.

“I ... uh ...” Mackenzie looked to Alex for help. “I’m staying here. Nora, I’m sorry. I guess I didn’t mention that someone broke into Dad’s—I mean, Rowan’s—house. Alex took me there to gather my things after we were at Hanstech the night the elevator stalled. I hadn’t intended to stay, and while we were there, someone broke in.”

Nora speared Mackenzie with a look. “And you didn’t tell me?”

“Let’s have this conversation inside.” After what she’d been through, now probably wasn’t the best time to break that news to her. He ushered them forward toward the cabin.

“Why wasn’t I informed?”

“I’m sorry.” Mackenzie’s demeanor seemed to change when she was around her sister. “We’ll talk about everything once we get inside.”

Alex nearly tripped over a box at the door. FedEx had found the cabin. Wait. Not in the middle of the night. Maybe it had been delivered to the main house and Owen or someone had brought it over.

He wouldn’t complain. He’d been expecting a package and quickly examined the sender’s information to make sure it was legit. He unlocked the cabin door, flipped on the lights, and cleared the two bedrooms. That was the best part—the cabin was easy to clear. The blinds were already drawn. Nothing smart about this cabin.

Mackenzie got Nora a glass of water and took it to where she waited on the sofa, face in her hands. Nora dropped her hands on Mackenzie’s approach.

“You can stay here tonight, Nora.” Mackenzie handed her the glass.

“Someone from the county will stop by later to talk to you and get your story,” Alex said. “I suspect they’ll be here any minute now.”

A knock came at the door.

“It’s Nathan.” Alex eyed them. “He’s going to take your statement, Nora.”

“I ... I don’t want the police involved.” Her forehead crinkled.

“They were there to help tonight.”

He opened the door and stepped out to speak with Nathan. “Nora doesn’t want you involved.”

“And we aren’t, officially. We’re here to help as your friends, off-the-record, like you said.”

“I know that, but can you convince her?”

“Let me try.”

Alex opened the door for Nathan to enter and introduced Nora. For someone who hadn’t wanted to involve the police, Nora spilled the sordid tale easily enough to Nathan. When she was done, Nathan gestured for Alex to follow him out. Alex glanced back at Mackenzie.

“Come on, Nora,” she said. “You can have my room. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

Alex stepped outside onto the porch with Nathan, who leveled his gaze. “What do you know about who is behind this?”

“Not a lot.” Which was true.

Nathan shook his head as he stalked out to his vehicle.

“Nathan, wait.” Alex followed him out. “I’ll tell you as soon as I can. I might need your help.”

The words didn’t seem to appease Nathan, who got in his vehicle and drove away. Alex sighed and grabbed his cell. His palms slicked against the smooth surface.

Think, Alex. Think.How did he explain everything succinctly and make his SSA understand?

Heart pounding, he made the call. The next few moments would alter his life forever. For good or for bad, he didn’t know. He only knew he had to make that call, and he might have waited too long already.

Mackenzie would shut him out completely once she knew.