Alex pushed his thoughts of the drone Owen had shot down out of his mind, at least for the next hour. He wanted to look into it more, but he’d needed to head to Mom’s for lunch. Besides, he’d confirmed that Keenan was sending him both drone detection and countermeasure devices. Keenan had also texted him regarding Nebulous 2.0. He’d been able to quickly discover that the cybercriminal remained at large. The Feds never identified him or made an arrest, though they had assured Mackenzie they would.

Had Nebulous 2.0 returned for revenge? Alex was leaning toward yes.

He pushed those thoughts away and cleared his mind for what came next.


He stared at the wreath of lavender and pine hanging on the sage-colored front door. Mom and Ron purchased the small-frame house with yellow vinyl siding after Alex left for college. After he left, he just kept going and never looked back.

Like anyone that age, he’d been anxious to get out on his own, but it had felt more like he was running from his stepfather. The guy had never liked him and had always been hard on him. Looking back, Alex had to be honest with himself. Maybe it was more that Alex resented the man for trying to take Dad’s place. Alex had still been grieving his father’s death on that mountain when Mom married Ron.

Lifting his hand to knock, he pushed the remaining resentment down.

Mom opened the door and offered a wide smile. “Oh, hon, just come on in. You don’t need to knock. My home is your home too. How many times do I have to tell you?”

“Probably every time.” Alex stepped into the warm and cozy home, sunlight spilling through the windows to nurture a bazillion potted plants. “It’s a jungle in here.”

And reminded him of the home he’d grown up in. Memories, good and bad, rushed over him.

He smiled and drew his mother into a hug as if he hadn’t seen her since he first got back to Montana. She squeezed him long and hard. Afraid he would slip away and stay gone for another year or two?

Finally releasing him, she patted him on the arm, then led him through the house. In the kitchen, she grabbed a couple of bowls. “I hope you don’t mind that we’re having leftovers. I warmed up last night’s chili.”

“Of course I don’t mind. We could have a bowl of Cheerios and I’d be happy. It’s not about the food. It’s about the company.” He grabbed glasses from the cabinet, added ice, and poured tea into them, then set them on the table. “Anything else I can do?”

Amusement filled her eyes. “Just chips or crackers to go with the chili. I’ll get the small salad from the fridge.”

Alex grabbed both items from the pantry. With the table ready for lunch, he pulled out a chair for his mother to sit.

“My, my.” She took the seat he offered. “You know we’re not so formal around here.”

He leaned over and kissed his mom on the cheek. “It’s not every day I get to have lunch with you.”

“That’s by choice.” She flicked a look at him. “You know you can stay here while you’re in town, and then you’ll get breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the house.”

Hurt edged her tone. He wished he could take it away, but there wasn’t anything he could say that wouldn’t make him feel more awkward. He grabbed her hand and said grace.

He had always loved Mom’s chili and took a bite before diving into a conversation he’d wished to avoid. “I appreciate the offer, Mom. But it’s not necessary. You and Ron have your routine, and I don’t want to be a nuisance.”

“You’re never a nuisance. You’re family.”

He avoided her gaze and bit back the words he wanted to say—that Ron might have different thoughts about him staying. “At some point I might take you up on the offer, but right now...”

“I know, I know. You need your space.”

From Ron. “I think this is your best chili yet.” He grinned and kept eating.

“Aw, you’re so sweet. You might think something different if you knew this isn’t my chili.”

“Not yours?” A neighbor’s? A friend’s? By the amusement in Mom’s eyes, he realized he’d walked into a trap of sorts.

“It’s Ron’s.” She snickered.

Alex almost choked. He chugged a few swallows of tea, then stared at his empty bowl. At least he was done.

“Would you like another bowl?” Mom asked.