“Oh? Everything okay?”

She shrugged. “She could be in the middle of her podcast. But she didn’t answer when he called or texted.”

“Well, by all means, let’s go. I’ll follow you.”

Terra headed for the door. “How’s Mackenzie doing?”

“Actually, that’s why I’m here. I know Erin’s staying here with her mother for the time being. I wanted to ask what she thought about me putting Mackenzie up here too.”

“And you didn’t think to ask me?”

“You already offered use of the cabin, remember? Well, you offered it to me, personally.”

“And you think by extension, Mackenzie.”

He shrugged. “You have a problem with that?”

She smiled. “You know I don’t.”

“I thought to talk to Erin because she’s here more than you are.”

“And you know she won’t have a problem either.” Terra opened the door, and he followed her inside.

Erin stood at the counter sipping from a cup of tea. “Hi, you two.” She put her palm in the air. “Don’t tell me...”

Terra lifted both her palms in surrender. “Okay, I won’t tell you.”

“You’re checking up on me for Nathan, aren’t you? Seriously, guys, I’m alright. Of course, I’m good. I’m fine.” Erin shoved her blonde hair behind her ears. “And did he call you too, Alex?”

Alex stared at his cell. “Nope. I can’t imagine why he would.” Oh, he could imagine why. Nathan didn’t want Alex making any moves on Erin, as if he would actually do that. Erin was like a sister to him, but Nathan was protective in a normal male jealous kind of way. Alex didn’t fault him for that. “But I did just talk to him a few minutes ago.”

Erin’s eyes widened.

Alex pursed his lips, then a smile finally broke through. “Not about you, Erin. But really, give the guy a break. You should be glad he’s so protective of you, especially after everything you and your mother just went through.”

“I know, you’re right.” Erin sipped from her teacup.

Terra moved to the fridge and looked inside. “Do you want some tea or coffee? Or something for lunch?”

“I’m having lunch with Mom,” he said. He directed his next words at Erin. “I’m thinking of moving Mackenzie out here for a few days. You’re staying in one of the small guest cabins, right?”

Terra’s brother, Owen, and their grandfather added the cabins as a convenience for Owen’s equestrian therapy guests who had to travel long distances. Alex could see this ranch being completely transformed in the future, moving completely away from growing crops.

“Sure. It would be nice to have another neighbor.” Erin stared at him over the rim of her cup, one brow arched.

Terra studied them both, then settled on Alex. “What’s going on? I thought you brought her to the ranch on a date. It’s easy to see you like her. But there’s more, isn’t there?”

He nodded. “I don’t know how much more yet.”

“Someone shot at her on the mountain biking trail,” Erin said. “I was at the county offices and heard Nathan, Jack, and Trevor talking. Someone had followed her with a drone.”

Maybe Alex was making a mistake, but he didn’t have many options. “I don’t want to bring danger to the ranch.”

“I think it’s a great idea for her to stay here.” Terra smiled. “We practically have a detachment of law enforcement here on most days.”

“My thinking exactly,” Alex said.

“We could add someone official, though,” Terra said. “Oh, wait. You’re her protection, aren’t you?”