“I could see the drone, so it wasn’t a huge distance.”

“It’s twofold. I’m saying that whoever was operating the drone could have been over six miles away, and throw in the camera with zoom features and video just to clarify, and you extend that distance. The camera—”

“I don’t need the details on the camera.”

“Did you see the drone the whole time?”

“Well, no. It disappeared at some point.”

“Or so you thought. This camera is what we commonly see used to spy on and watch suspects.”

“Interesting.” His agency used drones in the field, as they all did. “That drone was following an individual moments before a shooter appeared.”

“And you’re wondering if the shooter was operating the drone? It’s possible, or they could have been working with someone else. This specific UAV—unmanned aerial vehicle—isn’t autonomous, so it needs a human pilot remotely controlling it.”


“I have more ... so much more...”

Alex offered up a slow laugh. “Thank you for not making my eyes glaze over. I appreciate you curating the information for me.”

“What else can I do for you while you’re decompressing in your home state of Montana?”

“Find out who purchased the drone.”

“My grandma used the phrase ‘needle in a haystack.’”

It was a long shot. “I’m familiar with it.”

“The drones can be ordered online from anywhere and shipped to anywhere.”

“And the camera? Are those common to the average Joe?”

Keenan sighed. “I don’t think this is going to get you anywhere, but I’ll do what I can. Um ... in my free time.”

Of which he had none. Alex heard him loud and clear, but he also knew Keenan would find the answer if one could be found.

“I might have some additional intel that adds a twist and maybe makes it more interesting,” Alex said.

“You know I love it when you talk intrigue.”

Alex fully expected Keenan to have come up with it already. Could he really surprise the guy? Well, here went nothing. “Hanstech develops what they term ‘cutting-edge’ technology.”

“For what?”

“Initially, they developed fire threat-detection technology. AI to analyze the threat, and it looks like they partnered with a couple of other companies that major in infrared technologies. They’re here in Montana. The hobby spy drone in the picture was near the Hanstech mansion-cabin.” He didn’t know what else to call it. “It just seems strange.”

“That is intriguing. Okay, you got my attention. I’ll dig and see what I can find. But I should at least tell you that there are many positive uses for UAVs, but possibly more negative ones. For example, drone attacks reduced half of Saudi Arabia’s oil production due to toxic fires that burned for days.”

Alex sighed. “I get it. In other words, in the wrong hands, drones can bring to life those far-fetched villains you see in action-adventure movies. Let’s hope that’s not what’s happening here.”

“I could send you a list of some anti-drone tech, if you’d like. You can decide what you need and get back to me.”

“You’d do that for me?”

“What are friends for?”

Indeed. “Thanks for your help.” Alex ended the call and stared at his cell. What just happened? Come on, he’d sent the geek a picture of a hobby drone and Keenan had planted some nasty images in his head of the potential threat.