After arriving in DC last night, she thought everything today had gone as well as could be expected. She’d arranged to have lunch with DS Special Agent Mike Powers.

His enthusiastic response should have made her happy. She’d informed him that she would be renewing her contract with the university soon if other opportunities were not made available. Bottom line, she needed to know if employment with the DSS would materialize.

Mackenzie felt like she had control over her life. Mere days ago, she’d had none, and this new twist of events reminded her of the octopus ride at the carnival the night it all started.

With William gone now, the metaphorical ride had ended with Nora asking Mackenzie to stay and help rebuild Hanstech with her and Carson.

For the first time, her family wanted her to stay.

For the first time, the DSS wanted her too.

Her dreams were coming true, but at the same time, now it was time to decide which path to take.

Her cybercrime past no longer overshadowed her hopes and dreams for the future. But now that she finally had the opportunity she’d wanted for years, she realized her heart was no longer in it. Turned out that being accepted by her family was a more important dream than working for the government. She’d had to come here and meet with Mike before she could know what her heart wanted.

She wasn’t going to work for the DSS or the university because Nora needed her. Hanstech needed her.

And Alex? A pang shot through her heart.

His last text said he would call her later. “Later” to Alex could mean days or ... never. But he might be in the thick of it, fighting for his career.

Because of her.

Her heart ached. Making matters worse, Mackenzie had found a bench to mull over her thoughts and noticed it was the very same bench where she’d sat with him three years ago.

She’d hoped to connect with Alex while here. But she had to admit it was a lost cause. She had to accept that.

Lord ... what am I doing here?

She felt like such a fool—chasing after a dream that had died before it could come true. Chasing after a man she barely knew. She closed her eyes and allowed her foolish heart to remember their kisses. The way his intense gray eyes could see right through her. Thoughts of his nearness and the scent of him made her skin tingle even now.

She had lost her mind.

Alex, please, just call me.

She grabbed her cell and stared at his text from two days ago. She was in DC—she would make the call instead of waiting on him. That way she had done all she could not to miss this chance with him, though it was fleeting at best.

Should I call?

Or should I not call?

Her cell buzzed with a text, startling her. Palms slicking, she dropped the phone. She picked it up and brushed off a few blades of grass as she checked the screen. Alex? Her heart jumped right to her throat. Oh yeah. She had a bad case of Alex Knight in her system.

I’d love to give you a tour of the city.

What did he mean? Her mind scrambled for a response, then she sensed a presence behind her. She slowly stood and turned around—no wonder she’d smelled his cologne. It hadn’t been her imagination.

“How long have you been standing there?”

He rushed around the bench and pulled her close. “Too long,” he said, his tone husky.

Alex pressed his lips against hers, and this time he thoroughly and deeply kissed her, answering all her questions and filling in every insecure place in her heart. She was breathless when he released her.

Then, as an afterthought, he asked, “What are you doing here? No, don’t answer that. I’m just glad you are here.”

She stepped back and composed herself, though he still held her hand and a spark of deep longing remained in his eyes. “What happened in the debriefing?”