“What was I going to do, tie her up? I told her you wouldn’t be happy if she left, but Nora’s fiancé arrived back from a trip. He flew in just for her because of last night. Nora wanted to go with him, and Mackenzie left too. She said she couldn’t leave Nora alone.”

He stared at the trees and shook his head. Scratched his temple.

“I don’t know everything that’s going on, and maybe your new girlfriend is just strange. But she was working on her laptop while she was at the house and asked to borrow mine. She started up a game on it! So she was working on hers and playing a game on mine.”

He stood taller. “Did she say anything about the game?”

Terra’s gasp was incredulous. “Why would she? It’s a game. Alex, come on. What’s going on?”

What’s going on is that he was about to lose everything or save the day. But he definitely couldn’t stand down. “Did they say where they were going?”

Terra shrugged. “I think Nora mentioned she wanted to go home. Mackenzie said she would text you.”

He glanced at several texts from Mackenzie that had come through in a rush, explaining she was going with Nora and Carson. “Okay, yeah. She texted me.”

But then another text came through. The last one he’d received from her. The one he’d ignored to call his supervisor. And reading it sent fear rippling up his spine.

Carson could be Nebulous 2.0.