But he pulled Terra aside. “I want to go too. Could you occupy Mackenzie and her sister?”

“You mean protect them?”

Was he making a mistake? Both sisters had in mind to pursue paths he disagreed with. “Yes. Are you up to it?”

“Owen’s here. Gramps too. I have my trusty gun. No one will bother us here on the ranch.”

“I’m more worried about them leaving.”

“I’ll do my best, but why do you want to go, Alex?”

“I ... I need a break. I miss being in the field.”

“I understand. Don’t worry. Erin and I will keep them occupied. Keep them safe.”

“Let me talk to Mackenzie about staying here while I go, but I wanted your agreement first.”

“You have it.”

Terra moved to the kitchen to scrape up the leftovers, and Mackenzie quickly took her place, dragging him by the hand out of earshot.

“You’re leaving me?”

And just like that ... all the dread, the pain of his words to her last night fell away. She still wanted him with her. Still needed him. He saw that much in her eyes. Or was he simply fooling himself? She dropped his hand.

He wanted to take it back. Grip her shoulders. He needed her touch again, but he refrained. “We still have a lot to talk about. A lot to work out. I’m worried about both you and your sister. This guy is dangerous. Please, just for a few hours, stay here. Keep Nora safe. You won’t be alone. Terra is law enforcement. Her family—they all know how to protect you. That is, as long as you stay on the ranch. Can you do that for me?”

“Only if Nora will agree. I still have work to do on the system. Queries to analyze. I should have worked through the night.”

“You can work from here, can’t you?”

“Yes. As long as my access hasn’t been discovered.”

“It’s a covert rogue access point, remember.”

That earned him a smile. “Yes. And I also need to find that drone. I’ll convince Nora I’m searching for it. You’d better get going. Nathan is leaving. Go with him. Trust me. I’ll stay here and wait for you.”

At her words, a fist squeezed his heart. “I trust you, Mackenzie.” Trust. “And about...” Betrayal. Could he even say that word she’d used out loud? He hated the sound of it. He hadn’t meant to betray her, but he’d known her reaction would be severe. Initially.

“It’s okay, Alex. I was hurt, but you did what you believed you had to do. The only thing you could do, and you’re keeping me in line.”

He wasn’t sure he’d done that at all, but he wouldn’t argue. “You enjoy being on your computer, in your element, don’t you?”

Something sparked in her eyes as she smiled. “While I enjoy navigating systems, stepping up to the challenge, there are other things I enjoy as well.”

She winked and left him standing there as she turned and approached her sister, who had moved to look out the picture window with Erin.

Had Mackenzie been referring to their kiss? The thought stirred his insides, and he wasn’t sure he appreciated the reminder, especially in the middle of this crisis.

He grabbed his oversized duffel bag—last night he’d tucked the drone tech that Keenan had sent him inside it—and rushed after Nathan and Jack, who climbed into one vehicle. Alex got into the back seat. Once they got to the river, he would call Lynch. Would Alex be completely shut down, leaving Mackenzie and Nora high and dry? He also had much more to report—everything he learned from Mackenzie and Nora after he’d already talked to Lynch.

On the drive over, Nathan stopped by the county offices to retrieve his diving gear. Equipment stowed in the back, he drove them to the location on Grayback River where the body was to be retrieved. Alex had been so absorbed in trying to unravel the convoluted threads, he’d barely noticed when they finally arrived. Nathan parked near the river next to other county and emergency vehicles.

Neither detective got out.

Instead, Nathan shifted in his seat to look back at Alex. “You’ve been lost in thought, man. Something bothering you?”

Alex was surprised at the question.