The next morning, Alex sat on a stool at the kitchen counter, listening to Terra and Jack’s discussion about jurisdiction issues between federal government lands—national forests, for which she investigated as a special agent—and state and county. Nathan nodded and added his two-cent opinion that he probably thought was worth a dollar. Erin’s mother, Celia, dumped biscuits into a bowl. Terra’s brother, Owen, crunched on bacon and watched his sister and Jack as if entertained.

Erin chatted with Nora and Mackenzie about all things Montana.

And Alex breathed a sigh of relief, though he remained on edge.

“You don’t know what you’ve done, Alex.”

Yes, he did. And no, he didn’t.

Mackenzie’s words had chiseled through his armor and eaten away at his heart. Hammered his bones. The words had multiple layers. Maybe Nebulous 2.0 would ramp up his schedule now—Alex didn’t know. That meant Mackenzie and Nora could both be in imminent danger.

He suspected that Nora had shared much more with her sister in the bedroom before he’d heard her raised voice, accusing Mackenzie. Then he’d stepped in.

But he could forget about Mackenzie sharing anything with him now. Unless he could somehow earn her trust again.

Mackenzie hadn’t looked at him this morning, but at least she hadn’t run. She still needed him for protection, or maybe it was more about him protecting Nora. Perhaps Mackenzie would have left the cabin, left Alex behind, if she were on her own. But she hadn’t let on to Nora that she was upset with Alex, and Nora seemed too caught up in the traumatic events to notice Mackenzie’s attitude toward him.

He’d tried to start the day right—like any good Montanan—to set the stage for a better day by bringing Nora and Mackenzie up to the big house for a hearty Saturday morning breakfast and some perspective. And fresh air, mountain views, and the presence of his law enforcement friends, both old and new.

He was beginning to realize how grateful he was for Jack and Nathan. At first, years ago, he hadn’t liked either of them. Erin and Terra had been like sisters to him, so why should he like the guys who’d broken their hearts? Though in Erin’s case, she’d been the heartbreaker. But Alex had come to respect and trust both men.

He was counting on hanging out with this crew to help Mackenzie and Nora relax. Maybe even trust. Nora was wound much too tightly, and he feared she was going to stab Alex and Mackenzie in the backs—betray them in a devastating way.

He cringed as he recalled the sound of those harsh words on Mackenzie’s lips last night. Maybe she was right, and he should have talked to her before making that call. Persuaded her. But she had wild ideas and operated in a different world from most, and he had this overwhelming fear that she was about to crawl into that world and he would lose her forever.

Like he ever had her.

Sure. He could admit that he wanted her in his life. Or maybe he wished she wanted him in her life. Either way, he had the urge to rush into something deep and profound with her, because, well, he had hoped he could have something lasting. But he’d blown that chance.

He stood from the counter and carried his plate over to the sink. He hadn’t slept, and he struggled to know what he should do next, especially if Mackenzie was shutting him out. But one thing he knew—he needed to make another call to his SSA, Lynch, who’d requested Alex call him today. Alex especially needed to find out what Lynch had learned on his own calls. Alex remained uncertain about his standing, and he needed reassurance that his unofficial observation could continue. His boss would know more today about the reaction of his superiors to Alex’s role in Mackenzie’s hacking into Hanstech’s servers.

Things were about to ramp up on all sides, and Alex braced himself. Admittedly, he was the one who needed a hearty breakfast and fresh air to face what came next. He stuck the rinsed dish in the dishwasher, closed it, and turned, drawing in a bolstering breath.

Nathan got a call in the middle of planting a kiss on Erin’s lips while she was chewing on a mouthful of pancakes. He laughed and backed away, snatching up his cell.

At the serious frown on his face, everyone stopped talking and watched him, waiting for news.

He ended the call and stared at the cell. “I’m needed down at the river.”

Erin slid off the stool. “The river? What’s going on?”

Jack moved around the counter. “I’ll come too.”

Terra and Erin shared a look.

Nathan tucked the cell away. “I’m on the dive and recovery team.”

Mackenzie gasped. “They found Chad Hastings?”

Nathan frowned. “I don’t know ... I can’t say more.”

“I’m going with you too,” Erin said.

“No. I don’t need an audience.” But he eyed Jack. For moral support? The two had become fast friends.

And Alex? He’d been left out. He inwardly sighed. Like he expected to be included in their investigation.