
He leaned toward her, his gaze landing on her lips. The desire to kiss them hit him at the worst possible moment, but he reined it in, forcing his eyes to meet her crystal-blue gaze. “Yes?”

“Owen will be disappointed if you don’t show up to the party tomorrow.”

Jack doubted Owen would even notice. Maybe Terra was the one who would be disappointed.

“I’ll be there.”

The next afternoon, Jack steered along the drive, passing a long line of vehicles at Stone Wolf Ranch. Aunt Nadine rode next to him.

His gut clenched.

“Oh my.” Aunt Nadine pressed a hand to her chest.

His sentiments exactly.

“I should have expected a big crowd here.” She stared down at the splint on her wrist and adjusted her shirt sleeve as if hoping that would hide it. “Lots of people know the family.”

Owen definitely wouldn’t have missed him, but Jack came for Terra. Plus, this was a great opportunity to get out of the house with Aunt Nadine.

“I’m going to pull around so you can get out at the door, and then I’ll park.”

“I don’t want to have to wait there alone.”

“Aunt Nadine, you know most everyone there. You won’t be alone.”

“I’d prefer to walk with you.”

Jack found a recently vacated spot between two cars. As soon as they got out, the aroma of grilled food made his mouth water. Food instead of smoke. He was glad the recent wildfire had been contained and the air wasn’t filled with the stench and haze or the threat of fire so they could enjoy the day. He escorted Aunt Nadine to the house, careful not to bump her injured wrist, and the door swung open as if automatically.

A young brunette girl and who appeared to be her younger brother held the doors. “Welcome to the party. Head through the kitchen to the patio out back.”

Aunt Nadine chuckled. “Why, thank you. You’re doing a great job welcoming the guests.”

The boy giggled, and the girl frowned at him. Jack left them to their jobs and ushered Aunt Nadine through the house to the backyard. About two hundred people mingled in the back. He spotted a small gathering near the corral, and someone was sitting on a horse.

“Wow, this is quite the gathering,” she said.

“Nadine, over here!” A woman drew his aunt’s attention. Jack followed her while he glanced around the get-together in search of Terra.

And then he spotted her. She stood in a circle of friends. Jack recognized Erin and Alex. The guy drew close to Terra and whispered something that made her smile. No reason to be jealous. She didn’t belong to Jack, and he reminded himself that he might not ever measure up, in his own mind, to someone like Terra.

He forced himself to look away so he wouldn’t appear obsessed with her. He should join her and say hello to Owen as well. Then he and Aunt Nadine could get out of there.

Hands in his pockets, he tried to relax as he took in the crowd gathered to celebrate Owen’s return. These were Terra’s friends and family. A good mix of locals, including farmers and ranchers. The town mayor and the police chief. The county sheriff would probably show up as well.

He hoped Terra’s grandfather, the previous land commissioner, wasn’t planning to use this party for political gain as he started raising funds to campaign for higher political aspirations, but Jack couldn’t help that it felt political to him. The raising up or fortifying of a political base, at least. Certainly, nothing was wrong with that—it was just the way of things.

That didn’t mean Jack had to like it.

He hadn’t been watching Terra, but when his gaze slid over her way again, he caught her watching him. Maybe their gazes collided at the right moment. Her smile brightened, and she waved him over. He excused himself and left Aunt Nadine with her friend Josey and headed for Terra’s small group.

Her closest friends.

“Guys, you remember Jack, don’t you?” she asked. “He’s a detective for the sheriff’s department now.”

Jack shook Alex’s hand, and then Erin’s.