She nodded. “You could be right. Yeah, that makes sense.”

She turned the piece over to look closer, studying the broken piece a few moments. “I’ve made the decision to show it to a friend in the field. An expert.”

“Wait. This is evidence.”

“And I’m securing it as such and will take it to a safe place.”

“A friend in the field. You mean you’re not giving it over to your forest service archaeologist?”

“Let’s just say when there’s artifact trafficking going on, one can never know how far and wide it goes. I’d like to put some distance between this and the locals, and I know I can trust my guy.”

The helicopter landed in the middle of the mountain road. Jack climbed out first, and Terra ignored his assistance and hopped down on her own. They ducked and rushed away as the Huey lifted.

Terra turned to head to her SUV but stumbled. Jack caught her before she tumbled to the ground. He held her against him, admittedly right where he wanted. Again, he thought about those moments when he’d feared the worst—that she was gone. That he’d lost her forever. He ... he wanted her back. How did he say what he was really feeling? Terra wouldn’t accept those words from him. Not yet. If ever.

Terra pressed her hands against his chest, and his arms encircled her. “That was a close call,” he whispered.

She eased away slightly and peered up at him, a soft smile on her lips. “Thanks for catching me. I’m more exhausted than I thought.”

Jack had been referring to the fire, but he didn’t correct her.

He released her but kept his arm around her waist for added support as he ushered her to her vehicle. “You’ve been through an awful trauma today. Give yourself a break.”

Though he didn’t want to, he relinquished her. Terra opened the vehicle door and fished her cell from her pocket. Jack lingered—he wasn’t sure she was okay. Or maybe he was the one who wasn’t okay.

She found the charger and plugged it in, then turned her attention back to him.

“I need a favor from you,” she said.


“Anything? Wait until you hear what I have to say.” She stood taller now. No stumbling for her.

“I don’t think I was actually targeted today. Just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I don’t know about being followed the other night. That could have been my imagination. Or, again, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Someone wanted in the safe, and I came to the ranch house too soon. The point is that if you report that someone is trying to kill me, then I could be taken off this investigation. We don’t know that’s what’s happening. And I have to see this through.”

“Why is it so important?”

“Come on. Forest service special agent. Those jobs are few and far between. Not easy to get.”

“Don’t tell me you feel like you need to prove yourself.”

“Of course I do. Didn’t you feel the same way when you headed to Quantico? I want to prove that I can do this job.” Her searching stare wouldn’t let go. Her eyes pleaded with him to understand.

He understood far better than she knew. This was about her living up to her mother’s legacy. Funny that he was trying to change his father’s.

“Only if I can get something from you in return. Wait. That didn’t sound right.”

Terra sent him a wry grin. “What is it?”

“Don’t take chances like you did today going up the trail without me. Don’t put yourself at risk. Do we have a deal?” He wanted to say more. If it turns out that someone really is out to kill you, then you need to consider dropping this investigation. Let’s report and get protection too. He wouldn’t say more because she could end up keeping any attempts on her life from him, and he couldn’t have that.

She was a professional. A good agent. But she was also human.

Everyone had their weaknesses.

And their failures.

“Okay. Sure.”

“That means I want to stick close. That’s my part of the deal.”

“Within reason. We have a job to do, and sometimes that will mean you go one way and I go another. I promise to let you know my every move.” Terra’s lips twisted into a full-on smile that did crazy things to his heart. “The bottom line is that the sooner we solve this, the better for everyone—including the next potential victim.”

Terra’s cell buzzed, and she snatched it up. Her eyes grew wide.

“What is it?” he asked.

“It’s a text from Joey’s lawyer. He has a message from Joey.”