Terra leaned in too. She and Joey were close. Jack sat down in the chair next to her, a show of intimidation and protection.

“If two people have been murdered,” she said, “then someone could be shutting down loose ends and moving shop. Or they’re feeling threatened in some way. Who is it? Who is moving your kind of contraband through Montana?”

Joey’s face paled, and his acne turned bright red. “I don’t know anything about Montana. Even if I did, and I told you anything, then I could be threatened next. My mother’s life threatened.”

Terra leaned against the seat back and drew circles on the table. “You know something, Joey. I can see it in your eyes.”

“Before you took me down, I was trying to expand my operations.”

“Expand? What are you saying?”

“You have to think bigger.”

Terra shook her head. “I need a name. Something.”

He blew out a breath. “I’ll see what I can find out and get back to you. Give me a week.”

Joey pushed himself away from the table. He was done talking. He walked away, knocked on the door, and exited when a guard opened it.

Terra hung her head.

Jack took Terra’s hand and squeezed. “You did your best. We knew it was a long shot.”

“He said he was trying to expand his operation. I get the feeling he already has a name, and it’s more that he’s going to think about whether or not to hand that name over to me.”