“No, but he could have had her cell or even a tablet on him.”

Jack replied to the text as he said, “I’m requesting that all her digital devices be tracked, if possible. We’ll need to search her office at her place of employment too.”

“If she actually has one. Maybe she’s a freelance consultant.”

“We’re looking into all of it and should know something in the morning.” They needed a good solid lead into the person behind the deaths. Jack was glad he’d tasked Linda with watching over the private investigator.

He hoped Neva’s death would be the last. It was one thing to track a serial killer or a human trafficker while working in the FBI, but here in this county in a low-population state like Montana, it boggled his mind.

Owen stepped into the kitchen, and Jack put his cell away.

“You guys are going to eat all the pie!” He rushed to the counter.

Jack had only ever met Owen once. He was in the Middle East when Jack met Terra, and then he came home for a bit. It was later that Jack pulled his big disappearing act, and no doubt Owen heard from Terra and her grandfather that Jack had led her on and then abandoned her.

“I’ll get you a big slice, Owen,” Terra said. “You remember Jack, don’t you?”

Owen’s smile was genuine as he sat at the table, so Jack relaxed—if only a little. Owen thrust out his hand, and Jack shook it.

“I hope you’re coming to the welcome home party this weekend.”

“Well”—Jack looked to Terra—“I’d love to. That is, if I’m invited.”

“You’re invited.” Owen’s smile grew bigger as he stuffed his face with pie and eyed Terra.

When she finally slid her gaze to Jack, he hoped she would answer his silent question—Do you want me there?

But he was left with the awkward sense that she would not have invited him.