Jack turned to her, a question in his eyes. She held his gaze.

She couldn’t hold back her grin. “That’s right, we might need to dig.”

“Why would someone bury artifacts?”

“I knew someone who reburied items on his own property. Then over time, he could dig them up again and claim he’d found them on his private land.”

“And you think that’s a priority right now?”

“It won’t take long. The yard is small. I’ll give it a once-over, and if I see anything suspicious, then we can dig. If not, we’ll revisit later—if necessary.” Terra left Jack standing at the window and headed into the backyard. She lifted her face to soak up the sun, then gazed at patches of grass. She crouched to get a different perspective.

Footfalls behind her signaled Jack’s approach. “Well, am I going to need a shovel?”

“I don’t think we’re going to find anything here.”

He crouched next to her. “How can you say that? This yard’s a mess. I think we should dig.”

“If Jim had buried anything back here, he would have gone out of his way to make the yard look like someone cared.”

“I’m sorry, but I’m not coming to the same conclusion.” Jack stood. “My yard would look like this if I were the type to hide something.”

Terra stood as well. “You’re welcome to dig then. But I have a lead I want to follow, and then I’d like to visit the museum.”

“Did you find the picture?”

“Yes.” She removed the manila envelope from her jacket pocket and pulled out the photographs. “I don’t know who the woman in the picture is, but I think a PI took these photographs.”