
“I still have skills.” Owen winked.

Owen put on a good show to hide his true misgivings, but he would be okay. She believed that. Now and then she saw a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. He’d been a warrant officer and had planned to be a career helicopter pilot. Flying Apache attack helicopters in the Army was a dangerous career, and Terra was just glad to have him home alive.

Those thoughts she kept to herself.

A contemplative expression took away his smile as he glanced toward the house. Terra suspected he had more to say, but she knew that look. He wouldn’t talk to her about it now, and she also knew better than to push him.

She gave Owen a quick peck on the cheek. “Don’t forget to take that shower, but you should probably wait until you’re done with the horses for the day.”

Her cell rang. Jack. She flashed a smile at her brother. “Okay, I need to take this call. I’ll see you later. Don’t wait up for me.”

When she answered her cell, either Jack had ended the call or the signal had dropped. She climbed into her vehicle and reached for the door.

“Terra, wait.” Owen crossed his arms.

“What is it?”

“We haven’t had a lot of time to talk, and I just wanted you to know that I do plan to get my own place. It’s just Gramps. He asked me to stay and I agreed, at least for a while.”

“You have to do what’s right for you, Owen. If this therapy venture works out for you, then it makes the most sense for you to stay here. I’m sure Gramps welcomes the company. I think he feels lonely. Stay if you want. However, please don’t be guilted into staying if things don’t work out, but I’m sure they will!”

Terra kept to herself that she’d considered moving back in with Gramps too. She watched her brother walk back to the house. She was so proud of him. So grateful that he’d returned and seemed to be thriving and was throwing his heart into helping disabled veterans thrive as well.

Thank you, God.

Terra steered from the drive as she contacted Jack. “You called?”

“Where are you?”

She didn’t like the tone in his voice. “What is it?”

“It’s Pauline Raymond. She’s had a medical incident.”

“What do you mean?”

“A heart attack, maybe.”

Terra squeezed the steering wheel. “Oh no.” Oh no, Lord. Please let her be okay. “I’m heading to the hospital now.”

“As of now, Terra, she’s unresponsive.”

“I can’t believe this.” Terra’s heart seized. Poor Pauline. “Do you think Jim’s death was just too much for her?”


“She’s just too fragile for all of this to be coming down on her.” This was the part she hated about her job. She thought of Joey DeMarco’s mom’s reaction when she’d learned about her son’s activities. Terra often thought one reason she and Owen never strayed from the straight and narrow path was because neither of them could bear to hurt Gramps and Nanna—or Mom, before she died. Forget Dad. And Pauline didn’t know about her husband’s collection yet.

“I’ll see you at the hospital. Oh, and Terra, be careful.” Jack ended the call.

When Terra arrived at the hospital, she made her way to Pauline’s room. Family stood outside the door, and all eyes were on Terra as she approached.

Pauline’s daughter, Abbie, swiped at tears. “When she woke up, she asked for you. Better get in there.”