“Yeah, I’m not much for rabbit food, but Gramps insists he needs a good steak and fresh vegetables to keep up his health. He has big plans, you know.”

“I’m happy to do it.” She sidled next to him and stole the lettuce.

He handed over the knife.

She started chopping and immediately cut herself. Terra grimaced and peered at her sliced, bloody finger.

“Let me see.” Owen grabbed her hand to look. “Good job, Terra.”

She retrieved her hand. “I’ll be fine. Could you get me a bandage?”

He nodded and disappeared.

She ran her finger under the faucet, turning the water hot, and her thoughts went to Jim’s body again. Stabbed. By now the deputy coroner probably knew more about the weapon they should be searching for.

Gramps stomped in from outside with a plate of steaks. “Oh, honey, what happened?”

“Nothing. Just a nick. Owen’s taking care of me.”

Owen entered the kitchen, opened the bandage, and pressed it over the cut. His bright demeanor when she’d first arrived had now diminished. She focused on finishing the salad.

“Forget the salad. I’m ready to eat,” Gramps said.

“No, there’s plenty. I’ll just toss it in a bowl.” She finished up and gathered extra bowls, then sat at the small kitchen table with her grandfather and Owen. Just like old times. Sort of. Owen had been deployed most of the time she had lived with her grandfather.

Gramps gave her a sympathetic look. “Any news about the murder?”

“I’m not part of that investigation unless they ask for assistance. A few rangers and forest service law enforcement are helping look for a murder weapon.”

“A needle in a haystack, that.” Gramps cut into his steak.

She agreed and closed her eyes as she took a bite of steak, savoring the flavor and relishing the company.

Staying here gave her more time to spend with Owen, who was home now for good. He seemed to be doing well, but he was a different person from the brother she’d known growing up. And how could he not be changed after what he experienced.

But he and Gramps were here with her now, and she would enjoy every precious moment.

Gramps finished his steak but hadn’t touched his salad.

Owen cleared his throat. “There’s something I want to talk to you about.”

His expression was somber, but she didn’t miss the excitement edging his tone.

“Well, don’t keep me in suspense.” She sipped on iced tea.

“Now that I’m back, and we all know I didn’t come back completely whole, I want to provide equestrian therapy for wounded warriors. Soldiers like me.”

Terra glanced at Gramps, apprehension knotting her stomach.

Owen must have read her thoughts. “He’s on board, Terra. I couldn’t do it without his ranch and his horses. Unless I could get a grant together and investors, but I need somewhere to start.”

“You have what you need right here.” Gramps spoke to Owen but winked at her.

“Gramps and I are going to a therapeutic riding center in Idaho tomorrow. We’ll be gone tomorrow night too.”

“Really?” Terra glanced between the two. “You guys have been busy.”

Owen rubbed the back of his neck. “I have a friend coming in a few days. Without him, I wouldn’t have made it out of there.” Owen hung his head. “I want to have my act together when Leif gets here.”