Jack opened his eyes. Light from the hallway spilled through the half-opened door. He’d drifted to sleep after the surgery and blood transfusion and was told he would be kept overnight.

He needed to get out of this prison.

Jack forced his eyes to stay open. He vaguely remembered the doctor explaining something about a vein being lacerated. His humerus needing to be set. The bullet had barely missed an artery. He’d lost a lot of blood—enough that he lost consciousness but fortunately not enough to kill him before he got help.

A soft sigh drew his attention to the corner. He shifted his head and spotted Terra slouched in a chair, sleeping. Her brown mane was tousled and hung over her left shoulder. Her dark eyelashes fluttered. Was she dreaming?

Would she wake up and catch him watching her?

The thought brought on a half smile.

What was I thinking to give you up?

He had thought he was doing the right thing for the both of them. Aunt Nadine always said hindsight was twenty-twenty. Easy enough for him to look back now and see his mistake.

The echo of bullets ricocheted through his mind, yanking him from his thoughts.

Terra could have been killed.

Beautiful, amazing Terra.

He’d been an idiot to leave her. How strange they found themselves together again under this dangerous, high-pressure situation. Her lashes fluttered again, then her eyes opened and she stared right into his as if she’d sensed someone watching and that alone had stirred her awake.

Her lips parted with a small gasp.

She stood and moved to his side. “You’re awake.”

Unable to find his voice, he nodded.

She grabbed his hand. He appreciated the warmth and strength in her grip, and her soft skin. And that she was here in the room with him.

“What ... what are you doing here?”

A confused frown twisted her beautiful features.

An idiot’s question. “I mean ... thank you for being here.”

A soft smile replaced the frown, and her bright blue eyes shimmered. “Of course I’m here. I had to make sure you were all right.”

Terra released his hand.

“Wait. Where are you going?”

“I’m getting the chair.” She moved the chair she had been sleeping in closer to the bed and sat down, but it still wasn’t close enough for Jack.

“Your aunt will be here to relieve me in the morning. She wanted to be here tonight, but I convinced her to get some rest.”

“I hope to get out of this place before she gets here. What time is it?”

“It’s four a.m.”

“And they let you stay? You’re not family.”

“Aren’t I?” Her beautiful eyes held so many promises.

Or was he imagining she felt more for him than she really did?