Jack and Terra kept to the shadows as they made it to Jack’s vehicle and jumped in. He instructed the two deputies to back off and wait for further instructions.

“I don’t think Leif saw us.” Jack started the vehicle. “He’s getting into his truck.”

“Good thing we left first,” she said. “But you had wanted to question the guy who we presume is the pilot. I didn’t get a good look at him.”

“And I still intend to question him.” Jack got on his cell and instructed the deputies to enter the bar and bring the pilot in for questioning about the plane crash and Jim’s death. He also requested someone remain at the back in case Carter tried to slip through their hands.

Glancing at her, Jack ended the call. Leif pulled from the curb. Jack waited for another vehicle to get behind Leif, then Jack steered onto the street. The car in front of Jack turned, so he kept pace several car-lengths back from Leif as he drove them out of town toward farmland—fields of wheat, soy, and corn.

“I almost think we should have stayed behind to question Chance Carter, and that’s not because I don’t want to follow Owen’s friend. But you know the saying, a bird in the hand—”

“Is worth two in the bush. Let’s see if we have a bird.” Jack got back on his cell and called Sarnes. “Well? Did you get him?”

“No, sir. Sorry. He went out the back.”

“I told you to station a guy back there.”

“We did. That was me. He walked out the back and coldcocked me before I had time to react.”

Jack gritted his molars.

“Find him and arrest him for assaulting an officer.” He glanced at Terra and ended the call. “Now he has definitely committed a crime.”

Jack focused on following Leif on the two-lane highway. Just where was Leif taking them anyway? Was he onto them and leading them on a wild goose chase?

His cell rang. “Tanner.”

“Nathan here.”

Jack put the cell on speaker. “Detective Campbell. What’s up?”

“Sarge pulled me in to assist. I hope you don’t mind. I mean, we have the forest service deputized, so why not—”

Jack cleared his throat loudly. “Nathan. Terra’s in the car with me. We’re following a lead. Sarge pulled you in. What have you got?”

“Did some more digging on Chance Carter. He doesn’t show up until about thirteen years ago.”

“What do you mean?”

“He didn’t exist until then.”

“How can someone suddenly exist?”

“Good question. It could be a synthetic ID.”

“Keep talking,” Jack said. The car in front of them suddenly turned off onto a county road. Jack slowed. He needed to keep his distance so Leif wouldn’t know he had a tail. It might already be too late.

“Cut to the chase, Campbell.”

“A person could spend a couple of years building an ID. Get a social security number from a child or a homeless person. Or the deceased. Then accumulate fake information associated with the ID. Bottom line, Chance Carter isn’t really Chance Carter.”

“Then who is he?”

“That’s what we’re trying to find out.”

“Thanks for letting me know. I’d prefer to know his true identity.” Jack explained what had happened in Bar Wars and that he and Terra were following Leif. “We’re closing in.”