His aunt seemed to stare right through him. Oh no. Was her mind going somewhere else? These episodes were getting worse. She suddenly focused in on him. “I understand. You don’t need to talk to me like I’m a child. Remember that old adage, ‘No one ever wished they had worked harder on their death bed.’”

He smiled. What else could he do? “I’m duly chastised.”

Jack kissed her on the cheek. “When they set you free, I’ll take you home.”

He noticed the time on the wall clock. As much as he needed to stay focused on the investigation, he would take a couple of hours off to be with his aunt this evening and get her settled. He’d already spoken to Francine, who would come by and sit with her later.

Still, maybe he should call it a day to be with his aunt.

“Aunt Nadine. When do you go back to your primary doctor?”

“Not for a couple of months. Why?”

Jack wanted her doctor to run more tests. She seemed much too young to be suffering with dementia. He’d done some Internet research, but that could be both terrifying and dangerous and lead a person down an entirely wrong track.

He eased into the chair near the bed and hoped they would release her soon.

“Jack, why did you ask about my doctor?”

“Just wondering so I can make sure to be there with you for the appointment.”

Maybe he should tell her the truth before it was too late for her to understand. He’d sent Francine on her way to run her own errands before she came by to hang out with his aunt. He crouched so he was eye level with her. “Listen, Aunt Nadine, there’s something I need to tell you.”

Her eyes teared up. “No, no. I’m the one. I ... I have a confession to make. It’s about your father—”

The doctor entered the room and cut her off. Jack introduced himself and learned the details about her fracture and when she would need to see her own doctor. Then he assisted her in getting up, and together they walked slowly down the hall to the exit, where he helped her into his vehicle.

Jack went around the car and got into the driver’s seat, drawing in a few slow breaths. Curiosity gnawed at him. “Before the doctor came in, you said you had a confession to make. Something about my father.”

“You’re thinking of someone else, Jack. I didn’t say anything about your father.”