Terra had been able to charter a flight in a small plane owned and piloted by Ned Campbell, a retired forest service ranger related to Nathan and a friend of Gramps. There had been no question that Jack would join her—her archaeological investigation was intimately connected to his murder investigation.

Ned landed at a small airport near Denver, where Terra had rented a car. Jack finally ended the call that had taken up the short drive to the correctional facility.

“Well, that sounded informative,” she said.

“Star Oil Company is based out of Tulsa. According to her sister, Jan, who lives in Bozeman, Neva owned the home in Big Rapids. But working for Star Oil as a consultant required so much travel that she finally decided to rent out the house. That’s why it appeared empty of her personal effects. She had made a trip home this week to gather the rest of her things and settle some accounts. Jan and her husband had planned to move the bed and furniture out for their college-aged daughter next week.”

Terra absorbed the news and let the moment of deep sorrow pass.

“I’m curious about those accounts she mentioned and what her dealings with Jim Raymond could be, though we have our suspicions. I’d like to know what she really did for the company.”

“We’re in process now.”

“I know it takes time.” Terra would do some digging of her own too. But they needed more information. Where and why did Neva travel? After flashing their credentials at the gate, Terra steered into the low-security federal prison, then entered the parking lot. She found a spot at the back.

Jack sighed. “This Joey DeMarco. Tell me about him before we get out of the vehicle.”

Ned had done most of the talking on the flight, and Terra hadn’t wanted to discuss their investigation in front of him. “He’s the mastermind behind a big scheme to dig up the pots and sacred cultural items. He had a network of people and auction houses on the dark web through which he sold the items. A few ended up being resold on eBay. That’s ultimately how he was taken down. I worked undercover for eight months on the case. Testified, as I mentioned, six months ago. Joey ... he’s not what you would expect.”

“How so?”

She opened the car door. “You’ll see.”

They got out of the vehicle and walked toward the entrance to the sprawling complex surrounded by a double-fenced perimeter. Once again, they flashed their credentials and then signed the required paperwork.

A man stepped through a side door. “Special Agent Connors? Detective Tanner?”

“Yes.” They spoke in unison.

“I’m Agent Bill Janssen, Bureau of Prisons Special Investigative Services.”

Terra shook the man’s hand. “Thanks so much for approving and coordinating this.”

He gave a bland smile. “I’ll take you to see Mr. DeMarco and will be supervising your visit today.”

Terra wasn’t sure if that meant he would listen to their conversation, but she would take what she could get. Part of her wondered if this would lead them nowhere.

Agent Janssen led Terra and Jack down a sterile hallway into the facility that housed almost two thousand criminals guilty of mostly white-collar crimes. Janssen opened a door and ushered them into a small room with a table and chairs.

Terra took a seat while Jack remained standing at the edge of the table.

Janssen remained next to the door. “Since his incarceration is largely due to your testimony and efforts, I’m going to give you privacy with the inmate.”

He nodded and stepped through the door before closing it. Not that it should matter whether he stayed or gave them privacy, but Terra felt restrained in the man’s company.

Jack crossed his arms. “No wall or window separating us here.”

“Because Joey isn’t a violent criminal. That’s why he’s in Club Fed.” Another name for a white-collar, or a low- or medium-security, facility.

“Given the reasons we’re here,” Jack added, “I’m not so sure. I don’t like this.”

“We wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think there was a chance he could give us information—something he was able to hide from the task force. Something that will help us in this murder investigation.”

Jack’s response was to stand in the corner.

Terra’s heart rate jumped. She worked to calm her breathing and appear relaxed so Joey would remain relaxed too. “Everyone involved in Joey’s group was shut down. But his isn’t the only artifact-trafficking organization out there. I just want to see if he can offer up anything else.”