“I can’t argue with you there.” His deep green eyes bored into her.

She never imagined she would be in this position again. Looking into Jack Tanner’s intense gaze. Emotions weaved with deep-seated memories rushed forward. Good ones up until that final devastating end.

She pushed herself away from the table. “Look, it’s been a long day. I have a big caseload and need to follow up on a couple of them tomorrow.”

“What about this investigation?”

She wanted to complain about her boss, but she offered a small smile instead. “It’s my job, Jack. This case is my priority, but you know how it is. This isn’t my only case. I’ll see you in the morning to oversee the transfer of the artifacts. And if I don’t see you then, I’ll call you tomorrow afternoon and you can catch me up. For starters, send me the museum interviews you’ve gathered.”

Jack scooted his chair back and stood, his gaze moving over her face before settling on her eyes. Her breaths quickened. Had she imagined his eyes had stopped at her lips before moving on?

“Call me, text me, email me with new information.” She couldn’t hold back her smile. “I’m absolutely sure I don’t want you driving all the way out to the ranch to deliver the news, especially if it means you ruin your record of never getting caught in the rain.”

“Oh, that’s already gone. Obliterated.” He sent her a crooked smile.

Terra wanted to touch the corner of his dimple. “Why’d you ruin it?” Just for me?

“You already know. I had to make sure you were okay. Now that I know you are, stay that way. Be safe tonight, Terra.” Jack headed down the hallway. “I’ll let myself out.”

He didn’t know that she’d followed him to turn off the alarm and stood at the door as he ran to his truck in the rain.

Terra closed and locked the door and armed the security system again. She pressed her back against the door and released the breath she’d been holding. Another disaster averted. She was safe for the moment. Safe from the likes of Jack Tanner.

Why had Providence suddenly thrown him back into her life in such a profound way?