Chapter One

Hannah Jeong was halfway through a glass of Cabernet when her ex-boyfriend’s best friend strode into the bar.

“Damn.” She dipped her head, letting her curtain of black hair shield her face as she prayed fervently that he hadn’t spotted her.

Good lord, this was the last thing she needed. Her pulse quickened as she set her glass down on the table.

“What is it?”

Please don’t be so obvious, Kristen.

Even as she silently willed her friend to be chill, the other woman’s gaze swung around the bar.


Just the potential for a super uncomfortable small-talk session. Which was about as fun as getting a cavity filled.

If it was possible to slink farther down in the chair, Hannah would’ve, but then she’d be under the table.

“Oh hey, isn’t that my brother’s friend? Derrick?”

“Eric. And shush.” Hannah grimaced and searched her friend’s eyes. “Did he see us?”

“Um, yeah, he saw us.” Kristen gave a small wave and sighed. “Sorry, but he’s heading over here.”

“God, I’ll take the filling instead,” she muttered under her breath.

“What was that?”

“Oh just pondering gravity.”

Kristen gave her a what the hell look.

As if this night could be any more awkward. She was already hanging out with the younger sister of her ex, and now she was going to have to face his best friend-slash-roomie?

“Hannah. Kristen. How’s it going?” The deep voice rumbled from above them.

Well, no avoiding it now.

Hannah bit back a sigh before lifting her head and flashing a smile. “Eric. How funny seeing you here.”

“Yeah. I’m a branch auditor at a bank just down the street.” He glanced behind him and nodded at another guy who was waiting near the bar. “A coworker and I come over for happy hour now and then.”

Seattle wasn’t exactly a small town, so that was a pretty unlucky coincidence for her.

“We’re out for Hannah’s birthday,” Kristen informed him brightly.

“It’s your birthday?” Eric’s blue gaze swung to hers with an intensity that had her shifting in her chair.

“Tomorrow’s my birthday. Friday night just worked better to meet up.”

How bad would it look if she tossed back a half a glass of wine in seconds? This conversation would have been so much easier with the entire glass in her.

It wasn’t that she didn’t like Eric. He was a sweet, genuine guy she used to love to hang out with at parties.

So why was she being so freaking awkward with him right now?

Actually, she knew why. He was James’s friend and seeing him brought up a slew of emotions she still wasn’t ready to deal with.