“Gah, I knew it. What’d I do?”

“You took the last wanja-jeon.” She laughed. “It’s considered impolite to eat the last piece of food.”

“Gah! I feel like I should’ve known that.” He groaned dramatically. “But, Hannah, those were so good. Like unbelievably delicious. I couldn’t stop.”

“I’m glad you like my mom’s cooking and that you told her.” She paused before adding, “She really liked you. They both did.”

He covered her hand with his and squeezed. “I liked them too. You have wonderful parents, Hannah.”

Emotion had her throat tightening and her eyes feeling suspiciously wet. Why did it matter so much what he thought of them? When had she let herself care about him so darn much?

“Umma wanted to know if we were dating.” The husky admission was made as she blinked away any threat of tears.

His fingers tightened around hers. “What did you say?”

“I stuck with the ‘friends’ story.” Her heart twisted and she glanced up at him through her lashes. “Because I don’t really know the answer to that myself. Are we dating, Eric? Or are we just—”

“Yes. We’re dating,” he said emphatically. “In my eyes, we’re serious. I want to be the man in your life if you’ll have me.”

Her breath caught and everything inside her went a bit soft and fuzzy at the idea of being Eric’s girl. “I want that too. But what about James? The whole Bro Code thing?”

“Screw the Bro Code. It’s archaic and full of toxic masculinity anyway.” He sighed. “I don’t believe for one moment that James is still hung up on you. I think he’s stuck on the early memories of you guys. If he tries to hold this over my head, then that’s on him.”

“So, you’ll tell him then?”

“I think we need to know that we’ve agreed this isn’t a onetime deal.” With one hand on the wheel, he used his other to trace his fingers over her inner palm. “I don’t know if we should talk to him together or just have me do it?”

“I don’t mind doing it together. Or if you want to handle it alone. What’s your gut telling you?”

He paused for a moment. “Maybe alone. If he gets upset, I don’t want him taking any of that out on you.”

“Okay.” His reasoning was understandable.

Plus, the two were good friends and still roommates, so it made more sense. And James was part of her past, not her future.

Sometimes, if she really thought about it, it was all a little strange and wild how she’d ended up in this situation. Involved with her ex’s best friend.

“Hey, what are we going to do about this Wentworth guy?”

The subject change was probably a blessing. Also, he’d said ‘we.’

It made her melt a little. She sighed. “I’ve been thinking about it, and I’m going to speak with my boss Monday and really make him listen to me. I don’t care what kind of money Stoddard Wentworth donates to the school, he can’t do this kind of thing.”

“I still think maybe you should talk to the police.”

“I’m considering it now. Especially if the school doesn’t take me seriously.”

“Good.” He moved to stroke the inside of her wrist and a shiver ran through her. A good one this time. “Now, I believe earlier you were saying something about being turned on?”

Her pulse skipped to life. “Oh, you remembered that, did you?”

“Anytime I wasn’t talking to your parents, I was thinking about all the naughty things I wanted to do to their daughter.”

Heat scorched from the top of her head to her toes. “Eric.”

“Yeah, and hear you say my name like that several times tonight.” His voice lowered. “We’ll be back at your place in five minutes. I hope you’re ready.”

Well, it was official. She would be a puddle on the floorboard before they got there, because Eric melted her in a way she could’ve never imagined possible.