Chapter Fifteen

He was amazing. Maybe too amazing.

Hannah snuck a glance over at Eric as she took another bite of fish. He was deep in discussion with her abba about his job at the bank and the Seattle real estate market.

She’d never seen Abba so enthusiastic and engaged with anyone she brought to dinner. Certainly not with James. Why had she ever been worried about bringing Eric to dinner? He was just as charming with her parents as he was with everyone else.

“These are incredible.” Eric paused to gesture to small circular meat patties on his plate. “What’s the name for them?”

“Wanja-jeon.” Umma smiled. “Korean meatballs.” She glanced back at Hannah. “Help me in the kitchen for a moment?.”

Oh boy. Here it comes.

She followed her mother into the kitchen and waited for it.

“He is very nice, SooJung.”

“He is,” Hannah agreed mildly.

“Are you dating?”


Wasn’t that the question of the hour? Sleeping together? Yes. Dating? Who really knew?


“Umma, please. We’re just friends for now.” She hated lying to her mom, but even worse, she hated getting her hopes up.

Her mom made a nearly inaudible harrumph that meant she didn’t quite believe it.

“I wouldn’t mind if you two were dating, you know.”

She grimaced. This was why she hadn’t wanted to bring Eric to dinner.

“Your abba seems taken by him as well.”

“Didn’t you say you needed some help in the kitchen?”

Her mom arched a brow and didn’t answer.

“Right. Well, I’m going to get back to the dinner then.” She gave her mom a quick hug and softened her tone. “I’m glad you like him, though, Umma. He’s a good friend and I do care about him.”

More than she was ready to admit.

The rest of the meal passed by quickly and was just as pleasant. By the time she and Eric said their goodbyes, her parents were practically glowing with approval.

Eric had won them over in one night in a way James hadn’t managed to in over a decade.

Driving home, Eric cast her a quick glance. “How did it go? I feel like it went okay, but I don’t know. Am I wrong?”

“No, you’re so right.” She slid a hand to his leg and squeezed lightly. “You were incredible.”

“Really? You’re sure?”

It was sweet how much he cared about how the night had gone.

“I’m sure.” She bit her lip. “I mean, there was one thing, but you totally got a pass since you’re not Korean.”