Something she could see now but knew it was harder to convince some parents of. Her own included.

He didn’t reply or even give a nod of acknowledgment, but simply stared at her.

What was with this guy?

One thing she kept hoping he’d ask was how his son was doing socially. That was always a sign that a parent was checked into their kid’s emotional and academic well-being.

But he didn’t, so that meant she would have to do it.

“One thing I feel I should bring up is that Harrison struggles a bit with the social side of school.”

“I don’t find that quite as important.”

That would surprise literally no one.

“Does Harrison have any friends at home? He struggles a bit making some here at school.”

“He has an au pair who is his friend.”

She almost laughed, because she was certain he must be joking, but his expression failed to lighten even a bit.

Oh my god, he’s not joking.

Her stomach sank for Harrison and the life he must have. A mother who ran off. A dad who was about as emotional as a robot, and his only friend was the au pair?

“I’m hoping he’ll warm up to the other children soon. There will be several projects and events in the near future where that should be possible.”

“Fine. Hopefully, there will be extra credit or some way for him to bring his grades up as well.”

The kid is seven, you heartless jerk.

She offered a faint smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “It’s the beginning of the year. There will be ample opportunity in the future. I see a lot of potential in your son.”

And she did. That was if his ice-cold dad would support him a bit more.


Thank god they were almost out of time.

“Do you have any more questions for me, Mr. Wentworth?”

Displeasure crossed his face, and she was pretty sure it was because she hadn’t called him Stoddard. A deliberate choice.

“Not about my son, no.”

What did that imply? She waited for him to continue, but he simply continued to watch her.

Nope. There was something off about this guy. She couldn’t wait for him to get the hell out of her classroom.

“All right then. Well, I have another conference starting in just a few minutes.” She rose to her feet and gave a brief nod. “Have a good morning.”

“You as well. I’m certain we’ll be seeing each other again soon.”

Not sooner than the next conference, hopefully.

Once he’d left, she slipped across the hall to her friend and fellow teacher, Samantha’s, room. Thankfully, she was between conferences too.

Hannah shuddered and shut the door behind her. “You ever have a parent who gives you the total heebie-jeebies?”