Her words were rushed, maybe a little breathless. She was nervous. Maybe she wouldn’t admit it outright, but he knew her well enough today to sense it. Was it because she’d be seeing James today?

His gut twisted at the idea. James had mentioned wanting to talk to her again.

Screw that.

God, he really loathed the idea of that happening. Not just for personal reasons, but because he knew how much that would suck for Hannah.

Remembering the plans they had made earlier, he met her gaze in the mirror. “Are you sure you want to drive separately? I’m not loving this idea.”

“I know you aren’t, but there’ll be too many people there who know us. And they’ll absolutely start talking if we show up together.” She sighed. “And that’s everything we want to avoid. Even if things between us are innocent.”

Only things weren’t innocent. Sure, they’d put up a virtual gate around the physical stuff now—besides the morning drop-off kiss—but the electricity between them flew right over it.

“I get it. I’ll just stay behind you and make sure you’re okay. No blowing through lights and ditching me,” he teased.

Her eyes brightened with an idea. “Hey, what if you could always see where I am virtually? My younger cousin who just learned to drive has it on her phone, and her parents can keep track of her. I mean, some people think it’s a little creepy—”

“If it keeps you safe? I’m in. Creepy would be if it was in the hands of your stalker, not someone who cares about you.”

Maybe he shouldn’t have admitted that, but her expression softened and her gaze grew tender. She must’ve realized, because she cleared her throat and looked away.

“Though I should warn you that it means I can see where you are too.”

“So?” He shrugged. “Hannah, I have nothing to hide from you. In fact, I like the idea of you knowing where I am in case you ever need me.”

That tender, intimate look returned to her eyes. It made him want to do all kinds of things that were completely against the rules.

But instead of doing anything along those lines, he muttered, “Let’s get these apps up and running.”

They spent the next five minutes or so downloading the apps and adding each other.

“So wild.”

She stared at the two blue dots on the map that showed they were together in the building.

“It is. And it makes me feel a ton better knowing where you are,” he admitted. “Are you about ready to go then?”

“I’m ready now.”

“Let’s head out.”

On the drive there, Hannah’s car stayed safely in his sight the whole time, making the app an unnecessary backup plan.

Knowing he’d be on the beach soon with James and Hannah both at the same time left him uneasy.

He shook it off.

Hopefully, the ceremony will be all about the love of two people, and not the drama from anyone else.


Hannah glanced inthe rearview, spotting Eric not far behind her, before she pulled her car into the parking lot at Carkeek Park.

It was weird. This whole driving alone thing again. She’d gotten so used to riding with Eric all week. She missed his solid presence and the familiar scent of his cologne. She also missed the heated leather seats in his car.

Her lips twisted into a slight smile as she turned off the car and popped her keys into her small crossbody purse.

She slid a glance to the pathway that led to the beach and sucked in a slow breath.