Chapter Ten

Hannah knew he hadn’t by the way his eyes snapped shut and he groaned. Her stomach sank, even as her mind whispered it was a good thing. They didn’t need to rush this any more than they already had.

“I didn’t. I completely forgot about it when... I got distracted.” He grimaced. “Honestly, I don’t even keep any in my room.”

Seriously?“You don’t have to pretend with me, Eric. I know guys keep that stuff around. It’s—”

“I don’t. I’m not the sleeping-around type.” The solemnness in his gaze matched his tone. “Try as I might, I just can’t reach that hot player status.”

“I think that was Blake,” she teased. “Before he met Kristen, I mean. And many girls aren’t fans of the hot player types. Any guy who gets all the girls has been more of a turnoff to me than a turn-on.”


When he touched her cheek with the back of his fingers, every part of her went a little tingly and fluttery.

“What kind of guys do you love, Hannah?”

“I like...”


Right now it was him, Eric, hands down. But she couldn’t say that. She would not say that. What a way to make things complicated.

She looked down and cleared her throat. “You know, it’s hard to say. Seeing as I’ve dated only one man in my entire life. I’m practically a nun. Well, a nun who has a side piece. Anyway, I guess I’m still figuring it all out.”

He laughed, low and rumbly, and when she lifted her gaze again, there was something besides amusement in his eyes.

An awareness of what he was doing to her.

Her breathing shifted and goose bumps rose on her flesh. It was like she was under some kind of spell. It was hard to focus. Hard to snap out of this sensation.

Say something.

“Anyway, it’s probably a good thing you still don’t have a condom.” She patted his chest—holy cow, she kept forgetting how hard and muscled that was—and tried to bring herself back to reality. “We would’ve spent all night having way too much fun—” fun being lots of sex “—and I still have papers to grade.”

She could’ve sworn he groaned, but it was hard to tell as he stepped away from their embrace.

“I’ll just go drop my bag off in your room.”

“Okay.” She watched him disappear down the hall out of the corner of her eye before grabbing her bag from school off the floor.

One week. He was going to be living with her for one week.

The thought ran through her head as she pulled out the papers and a pen to do the grading.

This was crazy. She’d never lived with anyone besides family. Not even James. And now she was living with his best friend.

He’s being cautious and keeping you safe.

She tightened her grip on the pen.

Not to mention he’s an orgasm donor, so there’s that.

Hiding a smile, she went to work. By the time he came back to the living room, she was curled up on the couch, feet tucked under her bottom, and three papers into grading.

“You look pretty cute like that.”

“Like what?”