“But what about James?”

“Yeah, I know. Come with me and just hang out in the car while I run inside really quick?”

She held her breath, unease in her stomach. She’d successfully stayed away from James for months now, and the last thing she wanted was an accidental run-in.

Not to mention that would bring up a ton of questions as to why she was with Eric.

And, oh, the drama that would follow.

“I know what you’re thinking.” He gave her a reassuring smile. “But you don’t need to sweat it. It’s dark out, so he won’t see you in the car. And I’m a dude. I’m not going to spend hours packing. It’ll be like five minutes, if that.”

Her reserve fled. He was right. The chances she’d see James were slim to none.

“Okay. And don’t forget deodorant, unless you want to borrow mine. But it smells like lavender.”

“I was almost into that plan until you mentioned the lavender.” He gave a dramatic sigh. “I’m sorry, Hannah, but if it doesn’t leave me smelling like I’ve been chopping trees in the woods, is it even really worth it?”

She burst out laughing. Eric sure could make her laugh. Always had, even when she’d been with James.

“Yes, deodorant is always worth it.” She reluctantly pulled her hand from his and rose from the couch. “Fine, let’s go grab your things. I guess it’s getting pretty late.”

He glanced at the clock on her wall. “Yeah, it is.”

They made their way out of the apartment and into the cool night air. The complex was surrounded by trees, and the only light came from the handful of streetlamps.

More than ever, she was thankful for Eric’s presence. It had never bothered her before, being alone in this parking lot. But then again, she usually was inside by this time at night.

By the time they reached his and James’s house, she was starting to yawn. Yeah, they were both getting screwed on sleep tonight.

Oh lord, and she still had papers to grade.

She groaned and closed her eyes, mentally calculating how late she would be up.

“All right, stay here and I’ll be right back. Five minutes.”

She hadn’t even realized they’d arrived.

Staring at the house she’d spent so much time at in the last few years left her in a mingled state of emotions. A little sad and a little comforted by all the memories of the good times.

Right now, it was hard to think of any memory besides the ones where she’d been hanging out with Eric here. There were many times where they’d gravitated to each other at parties while James had been off making the rounds or cooking.

Once Eric had slipped from the car and gone inside, she grabbed the handle on her seat and reclined it all the way back so she stared at the ceiling of the car.

Maybe James wasn’t going to come outside and see her, but she wasn’t taking any chances. But he was definitely home, because that was his car beside them, so better safe than sorry you weren’t supposed to see me.


“Hey, bro, welcomeback. Kind of late for you.”

Eric paused in his brisk stride toward his bedroom at James’s cheerful greeting. He turned around to smile at his friend and was assaulted by a tsunami of guilt so strong he got nauseous.

With his gym shorts and sweat stained T-shirt, it was clear James had just gotten done with some kind of workout.

“Yeah, I had class...” He cleared his throat. “And some other things to do after.”

Like giving your ex-girlfriend an orgasm, followed by making plans to move in with her for the next week.

“So, um, I’m going to be gone for a week or so.” Damn, he hated lying. “My aunt and uncle, they’re heading to Vegas tonight and their house sitter fell through.”