She was anything but average. This time he did manage to bite his tongue and not say it. There was being honest, and then there was coming across as an obsessed idiot.

He nodded his chin toward her glass. “Hey, how’s your cider?”

“Oh, it’s really good. Thanks for sharing it with me.”

With both hands cupping the glass, she lifted it to her lips and took a sip. Her gaze lingered on the amber liquid until her lashes fluttered up and she met his stare. “What about you, Eric? Are—”

Before she could finish that thought, both of their phones beeped with incoming texts. They glanced at each other.

“Well, that’s weird,” she muttered.

Eric pulled his phone from his pocket as she went to grab hers from her purse.

“Wow!” Her voice rose with disbelief. “Did you just get a text from Blake?”

“Sure did.” Eric stared at the screen, stunned.

“I got one from Kristen. They’re getting married?”

“Looks like it.” Was that nuts? They hadn’t even been together a year.

“Like, in two weeks! That’s crazy soon.”

“My thoughts exactly.” Eric re-read the text. “Sounds like Blake getting hurt at work got them thinking. They love each other and want the commitment of marriage.”

“Without the fanfare,” she read from her phone.

He read the last line, “The sooner the better.”

“Same message.” Hannah smiled. “And it says details to come, but to save the date and time.”

“Yeah. It’s a weekend, so most of the group should be able to make it. No doubt this went out to the friends and family group.”

“Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking too. This is actually pretty sweet. Those two are so adorably in love.”

Nauseatingly so was a term Eric had found more appropriate at times. But then again, that was probably just jealousy.

“Well, good for them.” He typed in a quick reply to congratulate Blake and confirm he’d be at the wedding.

Hannah appeared to do the same.

Once it was sent, Eric tucked his phone back in his jeans pocket. “Hey, what were you saying as those texts came in?”

What about you?She’d started to ask.

“Oh...” Her brows knit as she thought about it. “Oh! Right. I was asking, what about you? Are you seeing anyone?”

Oh, whoa. He hadn’t expected that question. He tugged at the neckline of his button-up shirt and gave a slight laugh.

“I’m sorry. It’s probably none of my business.”

“No, it’s... it’s cool.”

“I mean, you’re so private with your love life.” Her words were coming faster. “You could be gay, for all I know.”

“I’m not gay.”

He looked like a tool. A desperate, pathetic tool who was crushing on his best friend’s ex. And she was probably starting to pick up on that.

So he blurted, “I’m seeing someone.”